Chapter 9

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"You are nothing but a pest to the world Alizé Maldonado." Standing in the dark purple void, I look up into the sky where a dark cloud with roaring thunder hangs over me. I firmly plant my feet into the black ground and shout back, "AND YOU FUCKERS ARE A PAIN IN THE ASS TO EVERYONE IN GENERAL!" The deep voice says again, "We have not hurt a single soul since you've arrived. Yet your whole time in the monster's realm was filled with needless violence. You may claim to be a victim, but are you truly the only one?" I get ready to respond, but curse under my breath, "Fuck you bitch... Shit." He answers, "You've harmed our home with enough profanity human." Looking up in anger, I clench my fists, knowing I at least didn't have to shout anymore as I ask, "Why? Why do such a cruel thing to me? You know what? Fuck that! Why make these other people for no other purpose than to mess with me you bastard?!" There was a wind blowing against me as the thunders roared on in the silence, leaving me to think to myself as the thought of me ruining the lives of those around had a new voice in my head say, "Don't be a bitch, FIGHT BACK!" I shush Ava as lightning quickly binds itself around my wrists and ankles, locking into the ground like electric chains as other forms around my neck, leaving me struggle to even stand up as he says, "I thought of her dead, but the Rune Slayer is still alive deep within yourself human child." I feel a rush of excitement as my body had an electric current flowing throughout itself, making me grit my teeth as I swear my ribcage was being torn open! I couldn't even scream out in pain due to the pain as I feel the tears I make evaporate into the air like mist, making me fear losing everyone as another's scream began to take my place in the void! Slowly opening my left eye with some remaining will power, I watch as a screaming naked woman was being pulled from my body like string cheese! Panicking, we both watch each other get pulled away as the last thing attaching us together yanks the both of us multiple yards across! I hadn't even noticed I was naked as I watch my wiener flop onto my thigh, distracting me from the true chaos hanging out not so far from me! I struggle to find any strength as I attempt to push myself onto my feet, but I knew this feeling of powerlessness. The memory of going to a water park in ninth grade rolls back as I went to far into a wave forming pool and got caught in the water. No one was there to help me as I tried my darnest to get attention from the life guard above me, but he didn't do anything but stare as I faded under to the white floor. Some kid called out, "HELP HE'S DROWNING!" As I sighed in relief, stopping my sperratic movements as I closed my eyes in hoped of my hero arriving. But no one came as I worriedly force myself onto the surface of the water, watching some other teen get saved instead of myself as I couldn't believe what I just experienced. I noticed my breathing wasn't doing so well either with all this water in my stomach, get half a second's worth of air into myself before getting hit by another wave from behind! Out of breath and losing my will to live, I had given up and accepted my death. Slowly sinking to the floor like a rock as I knew that I was going to be the fool who drowned at the waterpark, and it pained me knowing I wasn't as tough as I once thought. Closing my eyes, I suddenly feel a second wind hit as I open them back up filled with the determination to keep myself alive at all costs. I look up at the calmed blue water above me and place my feet onto the ground, jumping with all my might as I swim my way up to the surface, catching a breath as I see the nearest wall and make my way over to it, grabbing ahold of the wall handles as my adrenaline fades away, leaving me hanging there in exhaustion. Catching my breath and trying to stay above water, I began crawling alongside the wall and slowly make my way to land as I was surviving off of only sheer will. Halfway there, I hear the alarm ring, letting me know I had only one minute left before the ways came back, making my weak ass panic as I muster up every ounce of power I had and crawled my way all across the wall and onto land, nearly tripping over as I stand beyond the pool, watching the waves hit the people in the water. I turned away and sat on a patch of grass, throwing up the water I had swallowed and shitted it out like diarrhea. But till this day I realized that I would be able to deal with anything if I could deny fate to kill me. Filled with the same determination, I stand up, feeling weak as my body began to gain back its strength, as if whatever made me weak in the first place literally sucked it out of me. Watching the clouds thunder, I see the naked woman standing up too as her crazy black hair and structure reminded me of one person. Eyes widened with fear, shock and confusion I ask myself, "Ava?" She stands up straight as and looks down at her hands, not sure what was happening as I nonchalantly checked out her nice ass. Shaking my head, I ask that bastard, "What have you done?..." He then laughs like a maniac as she slowly turned her head towards me, eyes looking tired, yet crazy as the first and last Green Runester meet in person. We stare at each other, knowing this wouldn't end well.

My Monster Teen Romance 3 OVA : Tortured soulWhere stories live. Discover now