Chapter 4

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Dazed, I wake up and try to move, but I hear the clinking of metal as my eyes widen, knowing exactly where I was again as I sigh and drop my head. I hear a familiar voice comment, "So you're finally awake." Looking up, I see Layla's mom and respond, "Yup. Mind letting me go now?" She was reading a book as she replies, "Sorry kid, can't do that. Believe it or not.." I cut her off, "It's for my own safety, yeah I get it." She comments, "Wow aren't you just so bright. No wonder my daughter likes you." Chuckling, I realize that I'm actually dressed in my uniform still as I say, "You know, the first time we actually met you hated me. I think I got something painful in your eye after being tortured for about two weeks or something." She closes the book with one hand and says, "I know. Husband told me the situation. Do we ever get along by the end?" I think about it and answer, "Honestly I don't remember. We hardly ever meet but I think you and I are fine with each other. Though you are still a bitch, just to others." Scoffing at me she says, "Rude. You're lucky he thinks fondly of you child." I roll my eyes as she walks up to me pissed, telling me with a threatening tone, "You dare mock me? Think I cannot do the deed of taking your simple life?" I look her in the eyes and say, "I fought plenty of people stronger than you chick. Took out Klarc as a human, a werewolf and a Runester. Got in a scuffle with the current blue Runester, fought off ancient Kaiju gods, took out an ice dragonoid.." She comments, "Only ice? HA!" I continue, "I fought the daughter of the legendary lightning dragon, I took on the red Runester who conquered the whole universe and his warrior daughter. I did so much you wouldn't believe that I pity your measly existence." She scowls at me, asking, "Do you know how long I've lived boy?" I reply, "You're old I get it, but think about this. I've only lived a second compared to your life, yet I've done plenty and as a human. Anyone could kick ass chick so don't act high and mighty due to your power." She flicks my forehead, making me bleed as I angrily look at her, feeling the same way I did before as I knew that bloodlust was still inside me. I hear the door open as he came in with a table and chair, looking pissed as he puts the stuff down and tells her, "What did I tell you about touching him?! They can't know he's here! Go heal him now!" She nods with panic and turns to me looking annoyed as the dumb bitch licks my forehead, letting it heal as she spits my blood onto the floor while commenting, "Nasty shit." He tells her, "Go whip us up something."

 She leaves as the king gently takes off the cuffs I was chained to in the air, letting me stand up straight as I stretch, asking him, "Why'd you hit me guy? That hurt." He sets up the table and chair, pointing at it as I sit down with him asking, "So what's your excuse?" He tells me while sitting, "I knew you wouldn't like being here again according to what you told me, so I had to knock you out as humans call it." Sighing I ask, "I get it but why? Is it cause those things are here?!" I feel distraught as he says, "I'm going to tell you a story." I didn't want to listen, but I knew it was for the better as I motion for him to do it, making the old sap let out a sigh before saying, "Imagine living your life as a warrior, someone who fought against so much tyranny that it invoked a rebellion that lasted for centuries. The warrior wins and his leaders become watchers over the land he conquered, keeping everything in check as they appoint him ruler over a section of it where he is happily married and eventually has a child. For the next fifteen years he treats her with care like any father would and feel joy in seeing her succeed. Then imagine a human comes into the land you rule and catches her eye even though you order her to kill him to get some experience. But suddenly a few days later, the same human comes to the warrior and tells him he isn't even the first version of himself, hell, not even the second.  Let's say the warrior king listens to a story that changes his whole view of life, making him question his own reality as the human mentions something that makes the sudden news worse." I comment, "Uh, why not just say yourself at this point my guy jeez. But how could I make you feel worse? We're all later timelines so what of it?" He grips his cane with anger and grits his teeth, making me shut up as he turns towards me and asks, "Boy.. Being a copy isn't bad.. Not as bad as being a copy that is apart of a doomed reality." Surprised, I lay back in the chair and ask scared, "W-What do you mean doomed?" He looks down at him hands, looking disturbed as he says, "To put it simply... You're in Hell boy. And we're just along for the ride." Fear engulfs my body as I look at him in horror, not knowing what to say as I recall someone mentioning Hell! I feel my frown take over as he asks, "You didn't think it was that fire and brimstone nonsense did you?" I don't reply as he continues, "I was only created to be like your real father in law. Even though I really am him, I am in a place only made to kill and torture you." So I was in HELL?! I was beyond confused as I ask, "Well is there a way out?! If this is Hell, why is it.. LIKE THIS?!" He responds, "I know what your king knows, but will soon turn on you boy. What I know about this place is that it was a dimension created by the elder gods. You were kidnapped and placed here as their play thing for eternity. Nobody except us two know this now.." I sit there silently, feeling wronged as my death wasn't in glory, but in agony. I then ask, "So a different dimension? Not alternate universe or timeline?" He nods saying, "Yes. We're in a whole other reality that is tailored specifically to you. The monsters you spoke of with those features, they are... Let's just call them the Dark spirits that are put into this realm to hunt you down." So a demon thing is after me? But how.. I ask, "How did he find me in the last loop? Why not now?" He rubs his chin saying, "Did you do anything different this time around compared to last?" I think about it and reply while scratching my head, "Well I told the girls at school what I told you, that's kind of it. This time I came straight to you during lunch." He stands up saying, "Shit. It's tracking you somehow. You see, it's placed somewhere random each time for the elders' amusement. Like watching a rat solve a maze to get the cheese you understand?" I nod, understanding that I was a target for this Dark spirit thing. He then asks with concern, "So... who turned first?"  I wave my hands around thinking as I answer, "It was the time witch Linda. She chased me down to my secret library and when I escaped, I seen the other girls but they had the same shit." We both noticed something as he asks, "Wait, why her?" I tap my fingers on the table nervously to come up with a reason, feeling my intuition work as I say, "She's the one who manipulated everything right? So if she was there when I explained the story to the women... She could've left knowing exactly who I was, somehow letting the dark shit know I was there." I felt like after it found me, the damn thing started possessing everyone to kill me. But what did she do? I doubt she talks to anyone so.. Wait... I hear something faintly upstairs as I stand up and back away from the door that lead in here from the hallway, knowing some shit was going down. He then quickly says in a panic, "Do what you must boy, just know that if you die, we loop back again!" I dash to the door and get met with his wife at it, having that nasty ass face as I back away, letting her come in as he grabs her shirt and chucks the damn spirit into the wall, shouting as I rush down the hall, "KEEP HER SAFE!"

My Monster Teen Romance 3 OVA : Tortured soulWhere stories live. Discover now