Chapter 5

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Rolling off the bed, I get my clothes on and run out the door within a few minutes, wanting to get away from here as fast as I could to keep my girls safe! I snatched a black towel and use it as a cowl to hide myself, knowing full well that someone would come after me due to ditching the school. For the next hour, I walk down the dirt road until I end up at the end of it where the endless trees stood. It looked exactly like some fantasy anime I used to watch as I blindly make my way through the trees, knowing my life would be meaningless without those wonderful women at my side. It was hard to believe how much attention I required now as the fresh feelings of this younger body full of hate only felt alone. The burning sensation of regret for letting Heidi do that to me, the loss of family for bad gambling habits and terrible treatment... I was a broken kid who deserved nothing yet got far thanks to a green time freak who only wanted to make things right. Hours pass as my legs begin to go numb, not liking the uneven terrain as I eventually find a wood tavern that had Orcs and Pigmen standing about drunk like the idiots of my world. Walking past them I sit at the bar, saying nothing as the lady fairy asks, "What would you like? We got..." I raise my hand and tell the beautiful little woman, "Water will do." She felt something as all I got was a nod before the bird sized monster flew away into the back. Returning with a wooden mug of H2O, I say, "Thank you madam." And think about a way to get out of this terrible place before dying another tragic death. She then sits on the counter in front of me asking, "What's the problem kid? Girl not like you or something? Abandoned by family?" I drink some water before saying, "Just... Not exactly fine knowing I have a doomed existence. Eventually I'll die and..." I stop myself from giving too much information to the stranger as she sighs and drinks from her own mug, reeking of alcohol while she answers, "I lost my boy last week. Heh, he was so sweet. Always cleaning up this place after a night of Ogres stinking up the joint. Telling me to go home and rest for a while..." Her smile turns sour as I could see her holding back a quivering lip, not wanting to go on as I look at my mug, not wanting to have this conversation. She drinks some more and mentions, "You know he was preparing to go over and make a life for himself at that new school around here?" I ask, "Monstrum?" She nods and continues, "He wanted to buy out this place from me and let his old Ma properly have a good night's sleep. Damn..." She couldn't hide her pain anymore as she begins to cry, looking like a mess as she stutters out, "Why... Why did my baby have to be the good one? I shouldn't be the one alive! H-He was destined to be great yet my damn bar... It..." I felt bad for her as I close my eyes, imagining her words as she says, "Why did the one night he takes over... Why did the fight have to happen here?" She holds both her hands on her eyes, sobbing away as I felt the sorrow and begin to choke up some pain myself, crying myself as she laid on the counter, cursing the day she opened this place up. I couldn't do too much either sadly as I recalled the pain of being stuck here forever. The fake copies of my family reminding me of a future that could never happen. Even fake, this poor Fairy had to deal with this pain on repeat every single day. Stroking her hair with my fingertip, she stands and opens her arms, laying in my palm as she rubbed her face into my hand. This place was a nightmare, but not just for me it seemed. She cries out, "If only I could just see his face one more time... His smile." Holding her tight to my chest as I think, "I wish I could bring him back for you. I really do." The place emptied out during our crying session, letting me know this wasn't the first time as I look down at the green dressed little monster and say, "If this was back then, I wonder how you are now in the original... Never mind." She didn't even listen to me as I try to think of a way to help her. I knew it was too late for a rescue as I ask, "How old was he?" She says with a pained voice, "Six months." I then ask, "How long do Fairies live?" She sits up and looks in my eyes, wondering why I was asking questions before saying, "The typical lifespan of a fairy is around... How many days are in a year for your kind?" I say the number as she thinks about it and answers, "Around five of your years. I'm already three. Great, now I'll die alone and without anything to be remembered for. But..." She sniffles before adding, "I'd give it all up to have him in my arms just one last time." She had me feeling worse as I now knew that in reality, she died with a broken heart. I couldn't do anything to help her even if I wanted. She then asks, "I'm sorry kid, you didn't even get to tell me anything." I nod in understanding, answering, "Don't worry about it. Just keep doing your best and I bet you'll end up making your son proud." She asks, "He's dead though, why?" I Didn't want to bring it up, but it was all I had to give her hope as I say, "None of us know, but if there's an afterlife, I bet he's watching over her right now begging for you to forgive him. No child wants to be the reason their parents' lives are in misery. If he was a good kid, he should be in a good place and if you be a good person yourself..." She wipes her snot away and says, "Then I could be by him?" I nod, knowing nothing as I just told a Hell spawn that there could be a heaven for fairies. She stares blankly at my chest as I tell the little woman, "You go be safe, I... I have to be somewhere." She sniffs and asks, "Could you give me a hand kid and take me? I'd rather not drink and fly." Knowing he could find me, I sigh reluctantly, wanting to give her a goodnight before I died and restarted it all. Nodding, she smiles and gives me instructions on how to shut the place down. I do it all and shut the front door, locking it up as I listen to her directions and end up at some little bird house sized place in a nearby tree. Placing her at the front doorstep, I tell the wonderful Fairy, "What's your name by the way?" She unlocks and opens her door, standing at the doorway as she awkwardly says, "It's Cindell. Yours?" I didn't know what to say as I respond, "It's... Alizé. You have a safe night, Cindell." She nods and shuts her door, leaving me alone in the dark woods as I hear something above, looking at the night sky to see those elder creeps watching. The middle one covered in shadows holds up something and drops it, letting the thing hit the ground in front of me as it splattered, making me wonder why they'd drop something that high. I finally realize what I'm looking at and feel my confusion fade, leaving a hallow shell of a man that could do nothing but take a few steps forward before falling onto his knees, not believing what he was looking at. The collected heads of the girls I loved at this time period, all bashed and giving that creepy face that stared at me with bits of their skull missing. These bastards killed them because I left the area, giving me a pain, I couldn't describe while the sounds of Orcs and pigs could be heard from behind. I look at the fairy's house, seeing her stand at the window with that face as I close my eyes, knowing they were going to take me again and on the first night as I point at the three fuckers above and shout, "I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU ALL!" They do nothing as the beasts behind me rip my body apart, filleting me alive, breaking each joint in unnatural directions, ending with the fairy flying in front of my face, tilting her head creepily before getting snatched by a nearby Orc, making me watch her head get squished like a cherry tomato by his large teeth. The horror seeped deep within, not letting me let this go as I lower my head, feeling one of them snap my neck around before ripping it entirely off, letting me fade away back into another blood-filled day I didn't want to wake up to.

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