Chapter 8

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 Waking up, I question if that Steph was actually real or apart of this nightmare shit. Sitting up I question what I should do first as the door busts open, showing Heidi and Karen as I shout, "FUCK!" We were already at my third year of school?! Shit! I throw a pillow at them and snatch my clothes from the edge of the bed before shoulder checking Karen to the ground, knowing if I tried it against Heidi, I'd be a splatter on the ceiling! Putting on my clothes while sliding across the carpeted halls, I make it to the elevator I never used and push it to the highest floor to confuse them for a moment. I put the rest of my clothes on and step out onto the top floor of this shithole and look both ways, knowing the door leading to the roof was somewhere as I take a look around and find it. Standing on the rooftop, I look over the edge at the calm and beautiful world, feeling deceived as I watch Karen run down the dirt road searching for yours truly. I watched her tits bounce up, down and all around with a smirk before hearing, "You better have a good reason for doing that you fucker." Swallowing in fear, I answer the terrifying cyborg, "If I tell you Heidi, we all die. Well, I do at least. Don't say my name and don't cause a scene if you want answers." I hear her loud and heavy footsteps move across the gravel, saying nothing as I assumed she changed and wanted me dead. Sighing, I look down at the ground below asking myself, "Is it less painful? Or will I just be making it worse?" After a few more horrifying footsteps of metal clanking on the rooftop, I take a deep breath and hop off, catching a window's ledge before jumping my way across to the drainpipe! Reaching it I finally slide my way down and touch the grass below, feeling proud of how badass I was for pulling off such a stunt! Caught up in my glory, I hear a giant thump in the grass about twenty feet from me as I turn around, seeing Heidi unharmed as she was walking towards me like a damn serial killer! Screaming a little, I dash off down the dirt road with my adrenaline pumping, knowing I was about to die again as a tear shed from my eye, not wanting to deal with this again while I get tackled into the dead forest! We roll across the leaves and branches going down a hill until landing against a tree, feeling a pain in my back as I had to close my eyes to bear with the sudden aches and pains. Peeking, I see a pair of brown eyes staring in my own, holding a finger over their lips as we hear the heavy thuds up where the dirt road was. Not even breathing, we wait until the thuds walk off in the distance as I let out a deep breath and hug them. I hear their heartbeat skyrocket as I kiss their gorgeous lips and say, "Thank you Flora!" She blushes heavily as we make eye contact, listening as she stutters in embarrassment over the sudden events. She then asks quietly, "Why were you running from sis and Heidi?" I didn't want to see her face change in front of me as I ask back, "The real question is why'd you do that?" She looks around and replies, "Well I was just walking to school until Steph told me to go save you. She came out of nowhere and disappeared just a fast, confusing me as I walked towards that dirt path you usually take. Seeing my sister running down it, I already knew something was up and almost followed her but seen you looking terrified as Heidi slowly followed along." She brushes her hair over her ears as we sit up, looking around as she adds, "I just felt like tackling you was the right call and well, here we are." I rub my hand over her cheek and reassure the human beauty, "You saved my life baby. Though I have no idea what to do now." I stand up, reaching out a hand to her as she gratefully accepts it and brushes off a few things from my pants before saying, "Well before that, what is wrong?" I open my mouth, but hesitate to tell her as she grabs my hand and looks into my eyes, needing to know as I trust in her and say, "It all started not so long ago..." I explain it all to her like the others and watch her horrified reactions to the information that she wasn't even the real Flora, making her cry a bit silently before finishing. I hold her tight into my chest, saying with hurt words, "I'm going to save you if I can. Regardless of if you're my Flora or not. Because in the end..." I hold her chin and look into her eyes, watching them dilate as I finish saying, "You're still her." She closes her eyes and puckers her lips, waiting for a kiss as the pink haired bastard asks, "You two need a room?" Looking over, I panic with the thought, "Oh fuck, if Mimi finds out, her loudmouth will screw me over!" I didn't even notice Betty watching from the shadows due to her silence as I bite my tongue, not knowing what to say as Flora says in the silence, "We were going to fish in the lake over there. But it's a date so you can't join." Betty says nothing as Mimi smiles asking with eyes full of excitement and wonder, "WOW! Hunting the wildlife of the sea?! I would like to participate!" Flora and I look at each other, knowing it would keep the alien warrior quiet for a bit as we plan out my survival for the remaining time I had left in this place before escaping. I then turn towards the alien warrior and say, "Fine. No making any noise though, we have to be quiet in order to catch the fish." She salutes and follows us to the red lake, making me think of the infinite possible ways I could die just by that damn water.

My Monster Teen Romance 3 OVA : Tortured soulWhere stories live. Discover now