Chapter 6

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I hop out of bed and dash to the shower, doing what I always do before getting dressed and heading out. I don't even interact with anyone as I make it to class and notice Mr. Harrison's clipboard on his desk, giving me an idea as I speedwalk over to the damn thing and see all our names written in pencil, making me take a gulp as I don't see anything to write with nearby! I look at everyone but notice Layla come in as I pass by the white hair beauty and snatch the pencil she always kept on the side of her bag, nodding to myself before rushing to the front and slightly altering my name. Remembering Anna, I look at the clock and see that there was still five minutes left before class started, giving me the confidence I needed to hurry my ass out there to save my ice girl. Leaving my laptop bag behind at my desk, I run the fastest I could to the usual place the incident happened and see the fox slowly making his way up to her, watching as the crying blue headed crayon covered her face in fear. Taking in a deep breath, I clench my fists and run, making my way to the fox as she screamed, "SOMEBODY HELP ME!" I pass by and grab ahold of the fox's neck, not letting go while I run over to the library and throw it at the wall, hurting the damn creature before I stomp it's head once and back away. It was dead and the hatred I felt for hurting such a creature made my heart buzz in pain as I hold in my scream and hear a crunch in the woods behind me, making my intuition kick in as I run around the area to loop back towards the school where I could act like nothing happened. Seeing the flash of green particles in the trees nearby, I see Linda watching in horror as I slowly nod my head, putting a finger to my lips without stopping. I get back to the class and open the door just to see that he was already reading the names off the paper, interrupting the old man as everyone stared. I wave sorry and sit down quietly, feeling a burning stare as my cheeks begun to burn with embarrassment. I mind my own business and pretend to listen as he eventually calls out the name, "Uh, Aiden?" I let out a sigh of relief and smirk, getting up and heading to the front as I say with a happy go lucky tone, "Hey, the name's Al.. Aiden. Treat me well would you please? Thank you." I point at the teacher and wink like a moron, feeling disgusted over the fake personality I made as my body retreated back to the seat where it all started. Weirded out, he continues on with class as I let out a breath of air, knowing I stopped my name from being said finally without any side effects to ruin my chance of finding a way out of here. Eventually the bell rings as Layla quickly walks behind me, taking the pencil I stole back from inside my desk without a word before leaving out of sight! Blinking, I take a gulp and continue on with my day, keeping to myself as I still felt multiple people staring at me, giving me the creeps as the final bell of the day rang like a beacon of light that gave me the sweet release from this tension. Remembering that I survived the first night by staying home, I make my way back to the dorm and lock myself in, shutting all the windows and covering them with sheets before laying down, knowing I had a chance of seeing tomorrow before all chaos would break loose. For hours I sat there, staying silent and listening to the sound of teenagers having fun with their friends and lovers, making me hold my chest and let out a saddened shiver, knowing I had to do what it took to survive as I recalled plenty of things from the book and made a variety of things from inside my dorm, keeping them in my backpack as I fall asleep, hearing nothing.

Waking up I do the same routine and get my ass to school, avoiding everybody as I sit in my seat and pretend to care all day like the loser I was known to be. Getting assigned Layla at gym was a pain to, but I didn't even speak to her as we did our own things, leaving each other be as her stare cut through me like butter. I knew Linda was out there too and asked the coach for a dummy to train with, but he just chuckles and says, "You already got one." He points at Layla as I roll my head back annoyed, pissed at his stupid fucking face that I wanted to punch. Cooling myself down, I do some endurance exercises that help me out with my stamina a bit till the bell eventually rings, letting me go and eat my lunch like usual on the rooftop where no one was. Chewing on some lizard gizzard nuggies, I watch the vampire fly in front of me in the sky behind the railings, making me stop eating for a sec as I thought, "You got to be kidding me." I continue on as if she was never there, looking between her thighs at the dead forest where I seen the green sparkle. Pissed that this plan fucking failed, I fail to listen as she says something, making the bat bitch angry enough to grab my wrist, stopping my hand from reaching towards the paper bag where another nugget remained. Refusing to make eye contact, I say nothing as she asks again, "Who the fuck are you?" Trying to yank my hand away I respond quietly, "Let go." Both of us were pissed as I tried to control my anger, knowing she would ruin my chance of surviving a second fucking day if something didn't get this annoying ass vampire away from me. She angrily mumbles, "Look me, in my fucking eyes." My pride got the better of me, hating how she was trying to seem more dominant than me as I feel the scowl I had for Heidi take over my expressions before looking into her furrowed red eyes. Conflicted, I don't break eye contact as she mentions, "State your name." I don't say a word as she squeezes harder, making my eye twitch as she states, "That wasn't your true name in the classroom. What is your name?" I felt my adrenaline coming as I wanted to reach into my bag, almost giving up the fact that I wanted to save my love. I even started to think, "We can't tell her, it would kill all of us! Yet, she isn't even our Layla. A clone made just to torture me. Why should I care?" She squeezes harder as I reach for my bag, fed up with this bitch as a loud explosion was heard from the forest, making Layla turn around and loosen her grip enough to make me slide out and grab my bag! Contemplating, I decided not to do it yet as I run for the door and make my way through the halls, hopping in a closet and staying silent as she flew down the halls like a beast. I waited a whole hour in the dark, not making a peep as I stopped hearing her wings flapping down the halls. Getting up, I pull the string above to light the closet, seeing a dirty mop water filled bucket next to me as I comment, "Even here I meet you." Shaking my head I peek out the door, watching as the kids flood the halls to go home like the pests they were. Discreetly hiding in a group, I head down the dirt road with a huge group and safely make my way to the dorm where I locked the door and sat at the table, nervously shaking my leg as I tried to think of what to do tomorrow. I hadn't made it this far yet and now Layla was suspicious of me along with Linda who knows something is wrong. The hours passed as I jerked awake at every noise, not wanting to die again until I went into a deep sleep.

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