Chapter 10 FINALE

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Thinking about jumping off like a superhero, I scoff at myself and go back the way I came, walking down the stairs as I walk past a mirror and stare at myself. Stopping, I look at my eyes, seeing how far gone they already were. I lived a story of a life already and this was no different; Just another cog in the wheel that is the shit I've been through. I can't believe I went through all this nonsense within the span of a few years without truly understanding one thing. I felt like I obviously knew from the start, but the sudden realization had my eye start to twitch. I simply said to my reflection, "This is my life now." I couldn't go back to normal even if I wanted too with how everything turned out in the end before I even got to this shit hole. I stare for minutes on end as I smile slowly started to creep upon my face, making me question my own sanity at this point as the twitching balls of sight and my creepy smile showed that I already lost it by the time I first arrived at Monstrum. I look down at my rune and mumble again as I accept my fate, "This is my life..." A little chuckle started, seemingly innocent at first, but I eventually found myself holding onto a nearby chair for support as I was laughing like a mad man with tears streaming down my face! I hated that my life was already set before I even turned eighteen, not even giving me wiggle room to become my own person over time. From this point forward, I will always have the burden of keeping the damn monster world safe and have to take care of all twenty girls. The thought of them all having kids had me laugh even harder with a picture in my mind with over forty people in my life within the next ten years. I didn't really know how to feel but couldn't stall any longer as I take one last gander into the mirror, thinking of the one Alizé who could live a normal life. Jealous of his lack of responsibilities, I could imagine him having both parents, a grandma who's alive, trying to make an honest living, all that good stuff. Placing my hand on the mirror I look into my rotten eyes one last time, sliding away as I sigh and head on towards the front doors to leave this place. Pushing them open for the last time in this body, I look at my path ahead, knowing I'm in for some shit. This place was twisted as fuck before, now imagine how they'll act when I'm about to leave, those god assholes are going to pay. I let off a scoff before lightly jogging my way down through the woods.

Exiting the pine trees, I pass through the dead area and watch as monsters who weren't apart of the main squad start fighting with my girls and allies, but one look and I knew the strangers were the ones I shouldn't fear. They took over my women and as much as I wanted to save them, I couldn't at the moment. I sneak by twisted Layla and Diandria, watching how they casually grabbed some strong ass looking lizard men by their necks and crush them, tossing the limp bodies aside or at the next one who came charging. All the blood and roaring kept my footsteps hidden enough thankfully as I see the front school door in sight, now all I had to do was hope it was open. Pulling the handle did nothing as I quietly shout, "FUCK!" Gritting my teeth in annoyance, I look at my Blaster and question if they wouldn't be able to understand what a shotgun's blast sounded like and keep fighting. I then realize something as I say to myself, "Blaster..." Frowning in disgust, I couldn't believe I made such a dumbass name for my gun, even shook my head in disappointment. I had to think of a new name when I had the time, but for now how would I get it if the school was locked down? I thought about parkouring my way up but the monsters were surrounding the area so I would be seen and their hivemind like shit wasn't a good idea to go against at the moment. I see a window nearby and of course it was locked, but with a good blow from the stock of my... Boomer stick? Fuck no, anyways I didn't even leave a mark as I rolled my eyes. Of course, the glass was made stronger to withstand these fucking idiots. I paced around to think of any other way to get through without my... Shooter stick? Nope, terrible. Options were running dry as I hear a loud crash behind me in the dirt road, making me jump into a nearby bush to save myself, but fucking hell it was a rose bed that I landed in! Stuck with thorns and pricked across my body, I hold in my screams of surprise and anger as Nicole jumps off of the school and lands by the hole with that creepy look. She walks over to the hole and grabs the girl by the head, raising the poor thing above her as I kept my silence. Nicole got swiftly kicked into the school but didn't crack it as the girl dashed in and repeatedly stabbed her in the gut, only to see that the move was entirely evaded up close! My eyes set a fire in my heart as I seen a completely normal Heidi spin kicking Nicole into the dead forest, giving me a second to try and roll out the bush. I hiss in pain as my body rolled back, not wanting to deal with the agony my flesh was in as she heard the rustling and aimed a blade at me! Sharp metal pointed at my neck I raise my thorn covered hands that had blood trickling down my arms, saying with a nervous chuckle, "Heh, uh you found me." She quickly caught on to me not being like the others and forms the blade into a hand that grabs me by the shirt and yanks me onto the grass, making me leave out a high-pitched squeak followed by, "Thanks." She grabs me by the back of my jacket and says, "Try not to die." As she sprints away from the school, making me hold out my hand at it with depression kicking in. I was so close, yet here I was. She dragged me into Tamara's diner, but it wasn't bought yet as Heidi placed me on the metal table in the kitchen where I sat up gritting my teeth. She leaves without another word as I assumed that the blonde beauty was making sure the area was clear. I use the time to quickly and quietly yank the many thorns in my flesh, not feeling that much up to the task thanks to this weakened body. I really was a weak fucker back in the day, yet the little belly fat I had made me remember a stupid thought I had when I was infected by the werewolf. It was something about trainers lying about losing weight by hard work, man I was fucking retard hehe. Scoffing at myself, I pluck two thorns out and drop them nearby. A few more minutes pass by as she finally walked in and seen that I had only a few taken out before asking with an anger filled expression, "Really? Can't fucking do anything yourself can you dumbass?" I suck my teeth and reply, "Shoot bitch, ain't like I'm the one made of metal you walking toaster." She stands in front of me and sits my ass straight before quickly plucking out the tiny bastards from my arms with surgical precision. I felt my love for Heidi grow as I sigh asking the clone, "How long have we seen each other after ninth?" She yanks a thick one out as I roar behind my teeth, holding back how pissed I now was as she scoffs with a smile across her face. I sit in silence as she sighs replying, "You sacrificed yourself in that alien ship. I knew your ass wouldn't have died." My eyes began to water as I suck it up and tell her, "Heidi... I did die." She looks up at me with belief in her eyes as I add, "I burnt to death going into the pit, but those monster lord fuckers pulled me into another dimension. Basically Hell. I've been tortured, killed and betrayed plenty of times." She gently rubs some booze into my wounds as I hold in the pain, looking into her hurt eyes as she asked, "How'd you escape?" Heart shot, I struggle to tell her as I manage to get out, "I... Didn't yet..." She seemed confused as I say, "I'll tell it to you after your finished." She opens her mouth but sees my gaze as she shuts it and bandages my wrist. It was silent for a few minutes until she asked, "Why didn't you tell me we were in Hell. I thought..." She seemed pained as she continues, "I thought you cared about me..." I grab her chin and say, "Like I said, I'll tell you after, so please Heidi, help a brother out. She scowls at me and flicks a gash on my thigh, making me scream out loud as she smiles, giggling to herself while I laid back and stayed quiet. She manages to get the rest out within the next ten minutes while yours truly sits in my spot that the others would reserve whenever I joined in their lunches and such. Such a simple memory, but a good one at that as I see the tear stand out above the crowd where Layla holds a red crown in her blooded hand; Fighting off creatures with the other as I knew my time was almost over. Sitting back, I groan and question how I would even be able to pull this shit off while Heidi slaps the back of my head asking, "So what's this story about?" Rolling my eyes, I give her the truth and watch that face of curiosity turns to one of emptiness. I finish off as she asks with a defeated voice, "So... I'm not real? Just a copy of someone made to torture you in Hell?" Not knowing how to let her down easy, I suck in my lips and sigh, nodding as tears form. I grab her soft yet firm shoulders and reassure her, "But none of that means jack shit you hear me? You're just as much of a Heidi as mine, just one that isn't stuck with me and can make anything of her life. You are a free woman." Stroking her hair, I plant a hand on hers, adding on, "But if I die right now, everything resets. You all will remember nothing, and I will have to slog through this shit again, possibly losing my chance to escape." She stares at both our shared hands and tugs hers away, saying with a new vigor, "Nicole fought me for that crown the princess is holding. Apparently, it's what controls this world's so-called demons, or inhabitants. In order to stop them from possibly following you through, you may have to get your hands on it. Problem being..." I sigh while looking at Laya, cutting her off, "Its a human versus a vampire princess. Yeah, odds aren't exactly in my favor. Isn't the first time though gorgeous." She scoffs and says, "Well, do you have a plan? I may turn like them if you don't hurry." Smirking, I reply, "Oh I do. A distraction that needs you to be far away from here." She raises an eyebrow as I scoff with devilish intent.

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