-49 || mingyu-

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Weeks flew by quickly as Mingyu put a lot of his time into his new job. He had quit the restaurant job (to Chan's dissatisfaction) and trained Wonwoo to take his place.

Wonwoo. Mingyu hasn't seen him a few days. There were so many shoots, Mingyu barely had the time to even call his boyfriend. He sighed as a small girl dabbed at his face with yet another makeup brush.

This upcoming shoot was gor a brand new cologne. Mingyu never knew what the point was when it came to modeling for something that you couldn't smell through a photo. The sellers seemed as if they were trying to sell the perfume to improve looks rather than smell.

Mingyu tucked that thought away for later. It was something else he could tell Wonwoo about.

"Did you hear about Seungkwan and Jeonghan?" the makeup artist mumbled to the hair stylist nearby. Mingyu couldn't remember any of their names and he felt it'd be rude if he asked. He'd probably learn them eventually anyway.

"I saw the article this morning," the hair stylist said. He opened a gel container and sniffed at it. He made a face and put it back on the counter. "Who would have thought they'd be soulmates."

"Apparently they'd been friends for several years. If I'd known them personally, I would have shipped it."

Mingyu listened, impassive. He'd found out about his two friends the night it happened. Jeonghan had showed up on his doorstep, sweaty and out of breath, asking about Jisoo. It was like he ran there all the way from Seungkwan's

"I don't love Seungkwan," he'd said. "My feelings remain the same for Jisoo."

Mingyu explained again that his step brother was on his way to the U.S. right now. It was heartbreaking watching the way Jeonghan's face fell.

"I was . . . I was hoping we'd be able to stop him. You know, like in those movies." Jeonghan had started crying then and Mingyu comforted him the best he could.

The younger male had almost pointed out that if Jeonghan hadn't been kissing Seungkwan then he might of had a chance to catch up with Jisoo. He kept his mouth shut. That would just make things worse. Besides, even if Jeonghan had made it, Jisoo would have never changed his mind.

Mingyu tuned back into the conversation. The hair stylist and makeup artist still talking about his friends. These were adults, gossiping about teenagers. Mingyu almost found it amusing.

The night before, Seungkwan and Jeonghan made their soulmate status public. Neither of them were happy with it but they couldn't really do anything about it. The universe said they were meant to be.

Mingyu's phone rang on the counter and the makeup artist allowed him to lean forward and grab it. He smiled.

"So today's my day off," Wonwoo said as Mingyu finished his greeting.

"I'm supposed to be done"--he glanced at the clock on his phone--"in like three hours."

"The group was wondering if we could join them for a date."

The group consisted of Seungcheol, Jihoon, Seokmin, Soonyoung, Minghao, and Junhui. Seungkwan and Jeonghan had been so busy that they couldn't hang out all that much. Chan rejected the offer to hang out with them all for obvious reasons. He dated, but he didn't have a soulmate. As much as he played it off, Mingyu knee that it bothered the younger that they all had soulmates and he didn't'.

"Everyone will be there?" he asked. "Like a quadruple date?"

"Yeah," Wonwoo said. "Did you want to go? They're going to do karaoke."

"Sure, if you want to," Mingyu told him.

"Okay, I'll let them know. Text me when you're done and I'll come pick you up." Once Mingyu agreed, there was silence for a moment then, "Hey, Mingyu?"


"I . . . Nevermind, I forgot. See you when you're done." He hung up.

When Wonwoo came to pick Mingyu up, he seemed to be in a good mood.  He even let Mingyu, who had gotten his permit a week earlier, drive to the karaoke bar.

"What are you so happy about?" Mingyu asked, pulling away from the curb.

"I get to hear you sing," Wonwoo said.

"Says who?"

The other rose a brow. "You telling me you won't sing for me?"

Mingyu couldn't object. Especially if the thought of his voice made his boyfriend happy. If that was the case, Mingyu would be willing to sing as much as he wanted.

"Wait, if I sing for you, does that mean you'll sing for me?" Mingyu rose his own brow, copying his soulmate.

Wonwoo pursed his lips. "I don't sing."

Mingyu glanced over. "I'm not singing unless you sing." They pulled up to the curb and he turned off the car.

The elder sighed, like he'd been holding his breath expecting Mingyu to say that. "Okay, fine. I'll sing," Wonwoo said.

Mingyu led his boyfriend into the building, feeling triumphant. After asking the girl at the counter, they made their way to a room in the back where their friends were already waiting.

The room was meant for groups of at least 10 people, but with 8 males present, it looked much smaller than that. Still, no one seemed to mind how close everyone was to each other.

When they walked in, Soonyoung and Minghao were already mid song. They were dancing around and jumping in a way that made Mingyu think they were drunk even though there wasn't a single drop of alcohol in sight.

Jihoon was looking at them in a similar Wonwoo was: Like they were crazy. Seungcheol and the others, including Mingyu, were amused.

"How did I end up friends with such weird people?" Wonwoo asked.

"Extroverts are attracted to introverts," Mingyu told him.

"You're up," Minghao said, passing a mic to Wonwoo. Soonyoung gave his to Mingyu.

Wonwoo shook his head. "There is no way in hell I am doing a cheesy duet with you," he said to Mingyu standing and snatching the microphone out of his hand.

Mingyu laughed. "Does that mean you're willing to sing alone first then?"

"Goddamn it," Wonwoo grumbled, walking up to the karaoke machine. He chose a song and stiffly stood in front of the others.

"How did you do it?" Seokmin asked, leaning over his boyfriend to talk Mingyu.

"What do you mean?" Mingyu was focused on Wonwoo, who was waiting for the intro to end. He didn't want to miss this.

"Everytime we've come here, he always refused to sing. We figured he'd reject Minghao immediately but he didn't."

Mingyu grinned at this. "I just told him I wouldn't sing if he didn't."

"We should have found Wonwoo a soulmate ages ago," Soonyoung muttered.

Wonwoo began singing, his voice soft and unique. It wasn't a voice Mingyu could compare to any one else's because it immediately topped anyone else's. even Soonyoung and Minghao had nice voices, but Mingyu wouldn't change his mind. He fell in love all over again.

Junhui subtly pointed to Wonwoo and said to all the others, "Ah, the things people do for love."


a/n: so sorry i haven't updated in a bit. i graduated last week and ended up really busy so i didn't have any time to write anything. i plan to get at least two more updates out, today or tomorrow. But for now, pls enjoy this chapter that i just finished ❤

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