Part 1

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I sighed getting up and went to the bathroom. I really don't wanna go to class ever since kachan spread those lies about me. He said I bullied him when it's the other way around.

I sighed when the hot water hit my skin it felt so nice and warm. I washed my body up with my favorite soap. I washed my hair with some really good smelling shampoo and conditioner.

I stepped out the shower putting on my robe and started to play my music not to loud. I hummed to the beat of the music tapping my feet on the ground.

I got out my uniform and put it on. I put on some deodorant, perfume, after I did that I looked in the mirror fixing my hair before walking out the door to class.

I was about to sit down at my desk when I noticed people wrote on my desk. It had the words fag or other slurs even telling me to kill myself.

I tried not to cry looking at all the words on my desk. They talked about my scars and everything. It felt like a lump was in my throat.

I looked around at the class all of them snickering and pointing at me. Sensei came in and everybody stopped talking and sat down.

I went up to him whispering in my ear "can I take the day off I don't feel good" he looked worried and then nodded.

Luckily it was a Friday that means I can go to my moms house after school. I locked myself in my room and started to cry.

Why are they all so mean to me I did nothing wrong. I closed my eyes hoping maybe they will say sorry after school.

After school izuku is heading out of ua

I was walking out of school when I heard people shout my name. I turned around it was the kachan squad.

"Do you guys need anything" I looked at them they all had mad faces huh is something wrong. "Yeah your going to pay for what you did to bakugou" huh this again

Just then I saw there quirks activating. Sirens going off in my head I quickly took off running away from them.

I heard them yelling my name but I didn't stop. I ran into an alleyway I was about to run farther but it was a dead end. No no no

I looked around for a exit I heard them getting closer. "No were to hide deku" I heard kirishima voice say.

Just then the crate I was hiding behind melted away by Mina's acid. I scooted back away from them and I punch landed right on my stomach.

I coughed out some blood from the punch another one at my face. "I'm sorry please don't do this" I cried out to them tears coming out of my eyes.

I saw sero recording this while he laughed. I screamed out when I felt Mina's acid on my skin. I kept on begging for them to stop.

I sat in the dark alleyway they left an hour ago. I think I'm dying flash backs went to my head. I could hear sero laughing at me still while he recorded me.

My hole inter body aches I tried getting up but I couldn't even move. Is this how I die from my classmates.

My vision started to turn blurry but I say somebody walk pass. With all the strength I had left. "Help..."

Hmm it feels so nice is this heaven but so bright. I opened my eyes slowly snuggling into the blankets more. It smelt so nice in here.

Just then all the pain shot back into my body I hissed it felt so sore. Maybe if I go to sleep. I will wake up and it won't hurt.

Closing my eyes again I snuggled more into the blankets sleeping once more. I opened my eyes again I was still in the same room my body still hurt but it wasn't that bad.

I sat up slowly not to hurt myself more and looked around. I was in a clean room no dust in sight. The room was gold and black the colors clashed nicely.

Everything was spotless not one dirt anywhere. The door opened and my anxiety started to appear. It was a man he had black hair with golden eyes.

Wait a minute I know that face but from where. He noticed me staring at him and he turned and looked at me. "I am Kai chisaki welcome to my house and you are"

Wait now I know he's one of the most famous mafia leaders in Mustafa. My eyes went wide how did I end up here out of all places.

"I said who are you" his voice was demanding I tried to shrink into the blankets looking down at my fidgeting hands. "I am izuku midoriya" I said loud enough that he can hear me.

I felt his weight on the bed I glanced at him quickly before looking right back down. "And why where you on the brink of death when I found you"

There was no asking he was demanding "my classmates did that to me" I said in a whisper tone.

His gloved hands made me look up at him. "Look at me when I'm talking to you darling" I blushed a little I hope he didn't notice that. I nodded at what he said.

I didn't want to die but I also didn't want to stay here any longer. "I know your a mafia leader and I won't tell anybody I met you if you let me go" he didn't respond and just stared at me.

"What is your quirk" he avoided the hole inter thing I said. I thought back to when all might took the quirk back saying he doesn't like bullies.

I am still perfectly functioning that's why I didn't leave ua. "I don't have one" I said quietly looking at him. "Hmm so your a pure"

Huh what does he mean pure never mind that will he keep me here forever. "May I leave now thank you for healing me I'll make your bed" he got up and so did I.

The height difference was crazy I started to neatly make his bed the way I make mine. There was no crinkles in it. It was all perfect just how I like it.

I turned to see him amused. "Tell me are you a germaphobe to?" I looked down at his shoes. "Well no and yes I hate dirty places but I can live with it but it can't be really dirty."

He nodded "can I ask what your quirk is if you don't mind." He's not mean like everybody else said he is which Is surprising.

"Overhaul is my quirk" that's all he said no description or nothing. "So can I leave"

He shook his head no "you're important somewhere I don't know where but I can't let you go just yet." What ever that means.

"Can I at least call my mom and my school" he gave me his phone and I dialed my moms number. After I talked to her she was still a bit skeptical. I called my school telling them I can't go for awhile.

They gave me to weeks tops before I could come back to school. I gave him back his phone and he smirked. "You know your quite beautiful now that I'm looking at you"

He looked me up and down I blushed hardly. "Don't say things like that" I covered my face and turned my head.

I heard him chuckle it came out deep but smooth making me blush harder. After my little gay panic I calmed down. "Wait where even are we right now."

"On the rich side" that's all he said I rolled my eyes at that. "Well I'm hungry" i pouted looking up at him moving my hair out of the way so I can see.

We went down the staircase of the house when I heard some people talking. "Oh yeah my gang lives here to don't worry there all friendly and only ten of them live here." I grew nervous about having to meet other people.

All eyes turned to us I scanned everyone's faces. I smiled at them waving "Ah he's so cute boss I'm going to call you mom" huh what did how did that even happen. I looked at the male who said that he had dark red hair.

Everybody else nodded at what he said. "Wait why are you guys calling me mom" i tilted my head a little in confusion. "Because Kai's are father figure and we need a mom and I can already tell your a perfect mom."

A white hair male said I sighed "well is anyone hungry" everybody nodded there head yes. I went to the kitchen and pulled out the ingredients.

I set down all the plates for everyone calling them into the kitchen.

I know I'm leaving on a cliffhanger but I'm tired as hell so goodnight loves

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