Part 2

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Everybody said thank you to me. I was not used to all this welcoming energy it was really nice. I smiled brightly at them as I took my plate and gave kai his to.

After I got done eating the food I took everybody's empty plates. I went to the sink and started washing the dishes. I hummed a song my mom used to sing to me as a kid.

Kai leaned on the counter that's next to me. "You know you would be a good house wife" I blushed at his words house wife what is he saying. "Don't say those things" I looked at him and then went back to cleaning the kitchen.

"What it's true you even earned my gangs trust right away and they usually would kill you." Huh they would kill me I'm glad I'm still alive.
"Are you always this flirty" I questioned him rolling my eyes as I said that.

"No just with you you're different I'm afraid I have gotten attached to you." Huh what did he just say. My stomach started to feel like butterflies where in it.

Do I like him no way I can't. I'm aiming to be a hero and he's a criminal I will not. "Well that's to bad you're going to need to get unattached" I heard him sigh.

"Can I ask why do you want to be a hero" I was about to answer him when I stopped. Why do I want to be a hero. When I was little it was because I wanted to be a hero that saves everyone.

I still want to save people but my class and all might. If that's how heroes act I want no part in that those are not real heroes there fakers.

The hero society is fucked if those are the next heroes. Do I still want to be a hero now "I don't know anymore I see no point if that's how heroes act now." He didn't say anything.

"Join me then live with me and join the shie Hassaikai with me." My eyes went wide why would he want me to join him. "How do you even know I can fight"

He smirked and stopped leaning on the counter and grabbed my waist. "I already know you can when I took you after you almost died. I saw your notebook that you carried with you"

My eyes widened what "and can I just say you have great analysis you would be a great help to me darling." I knew I shouldn't walk home with that notebook in my hand.

If a villain got a hold of that heroes and the commission would all be dead. "Fine I'll join you it seems fun a new little hobby for me but I'm still going to school."

He laughed at me "hobby this is not a hobby because once your in you can never leave. And darling if you didn't except I would just kill you. But I really couldn't have a beauty like you dying now could I. He made me look up at him why his other arm was still around my waist.

What did I just get myself into I should have just made a run for it as soon as I heard his name. His smirk still plastered on his face. He honestly looked really hot but I wouldn't tell him that.

I finally made him let go of me. But part of me wanted him to still hold me. Ugh dang it izuku your falling in love with him.

I mentally rolled my eyes at myself. "Come on I need you to analyze some other mafia that's been trying to gain more power then us." He took my hand and made me walk with him to some place.

We made it the basement and he scanned his eye and it opened. He dragged me along with him down a long hallway. We made it to a golden door it scanned his eye again and we entered.

He sat down on a chair I looked around the room. "This is my office" i hummed at what he said. The room was the same as his bedroom. It was black and gold and it was very clean.

It had a gun wall the guns where very clean the hole room was to. He pulled me down to sit on his lap. I blushed heavily when his hand started to massage my thigh.

"I noticed that you have a more feminine build then a male. Like you have curves and you have  a ass and your thighs are big." Why is he so blunt with things.

I've been told as a child the same thing I just grew up like that. It never went away "don't say things like that baka!" I hit him upside his head . He chuckled "fine fine sorry darling" I tried looking made so he can feel sorry.

"Agh your so adorable when you pout darling" I huffed and turned my head away hiding the blush.

I hade a notebook that he gave and a pen I was looking at a video. It was about another mafia they seemed powerful but they only relied on there quirks.

I wrote that note and started to mumble all there weaknesses were clear as day. My hands going at the speed of lightning writing everything down.

My eyes never left the screen I didn't even blink. Once the video was coming to a end I gave him the notebook. Almost all the pages where full about all the people and there weaknesses.

"Wow this is a lot of information how did you know by just watching a video." I rubbed the back of my head "idk it's just a hobby that I carried since a child."

He smirked "you will be much help I could already tell" I smiled at the complement. "Can I get off your lap now" he smirked and started to rub my thighs again.

"I don't know I kinda like you sitting like this don't you darling." I sighed at him once again flirting with me. I tried getting up but he pulled me back down. "Nuh uh let's stay like this a bit longer shall we."

After awhile I just got comfortable in his lap. My legs across his my head was resting in his chest. I was in deep thought about what all happened today.

Was this change hood or bad I guess I will have to find out. I closed my eyes letting sleep consume me.

Kai's pov shall we

Izuku fell asleep on my lap I looked down and smiled a little at him. The door opened and kurono walked threw he immediately smirked.
"What do I have here boss liking somebody hmm what a wonderful sight to see." He leaned against a wall.

"I don't know what your taking about" he grinned "so you would let me sit in your lap and sleep on you" i sighed "exactly what I thought so who is this little broccoli boy"

I glared at what he called izuku. "He's a new member he will be are analyzing person and he will help me with half the meetings and the plans." He look shocked "you gave him a bigger role than me now I know he's your boyfriend!"

He yelled izuku stirred mumbling something like to loud. And then he snuggled more into me. "If you wake him up your dead and yes he's way smarter than you and maybe me."

He look offended and huffed "I know I'm not smart but damn you don't have to do me like that!" He covered his mouth when he screamed again.

Izuku slowly woke up yawning I glared at him and was about to grab a knife. "Kai what are you doing and why are you being so loud." He rubbed his eyes while yawning again.

He's so adorable like a little bunny "oh nothing izuku just simply killing someone" he laid his head back on my chest. "Not in front of me" I glared at kurono he gulped and quickly ran out the room.

"Come on I'll carry you to my room" I got up with izuku carrying him bridal style to my room. Making it safely that no one would see me being soft to someone.

I laid izuku gently down on the bed and put the blanket on him. I took off my gloves and laid down. My hands wrapped around izukus waist.

I would never touch know one without my gloves but izuku is different. He's not dirty at all he's perfect. His hair smelt like daisy's and he smelt like cotton candy.

I am determined to make izuku my wife.

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