Chapter 10- Heart to Heart

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Underlined + Italycised = French

March 5th, 2017:

I was alone in a recording studio working on a song I'd recently made a melody for. It was quite late, but with the whole renewal of the video footage being found, I was uncomfortable in my apartment. I knew it was a different apartment, that it was a much more secure building, and that everything I was given was double-checked by the managers and security, but it was still unnerving. I kept looking over my shoulder as if someone was watching me. Thus, I was staying at the company much later than usual or sleeping over completely.

I was currently in the zone, headphones on when someone poked my shoulder. I jumped and spun around; hands ready to fight.

"Woah, it's okay," Yoona says, backing up slightly, hands raised.

"Sorry," I breathe out, making sure to save my file before turning to look at Yoona fully.

"Just thought you'd want to know the police have just gotten back to us," she says, hands together anxiously, "so they still haven't got the DNA results, but from their investigation, they have found stuff..."

"Okay..." I say, an eyebrow raised expectantly.

"They had been looking at Daeseong's family and friends already, before Sejin checked if they were," Yoona explains, "and after their initial investigation, Daeseong's parents are the top suspects. Apparently, the stamps used are quite old and there are only a few stores selling them now. The postman also remembers picking the letter up in their neighbourhood given how memorable the cut-out and stuck letters were".

"So, like... have they arrested them? What's going on?" I push.

"They don't want to do anything until the DNA results come in," Yoona answers, "but they are pretty certain".

"Do they know how they got the video? Do they have the only copy?" I keep asking.

"No, they probably won't know until they speak with them," Yoona says seriously, "we'll probably be abroad when they get the results, but I've told them to call me any time, any day, wherever I am".

"Yeah, okay..." I nod, my anxiety and stress not lowering from this news.

"And they haven't sent any other letters or anything?" I ask one final question.

"Um, yes," she says, not looking me in the eyes, "just asking for more money with more screenshots, nothing new..."

"Okay, right... cool," I say trying to act as if this wasn't unnerving me even more, "thanks for telling me".

"You working on a new song?" Yoona says, perking up and obviously trying to change the something to something more fun.

"Uh, yeah," I say turning to the laptop, "hoping it might get to make it to the next album".

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