Chapter 108- Wings Tour Finale in Seoul II

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December 10th, 2017:

Yesterday's concert had gone much like the first one minus me crying at the video and all my friends being in attendance. Instead, I'd shared the box with much of the boys' families. S/N and Kevin had also come. Today was the last day and I was with many of Taehyung's friends like Park Bogum, Park Hyungsik, Park Seojoon, and Girl's Generation Yoona. Before the concert however, I'd sat down to do the final interview for the tour documentary.

"Hi," I smiled sitting down.

"Hello," the producer smiled, "it's been a while".

"Yeah, so much has been happening," I nod chuckling.

"Yes, you especially," he says, gesturing to my sling, "let's actually start with that if we can. How did it happen? How has it made you feel about not being able to finish the tour?"

"I fell while trying to do a flip at the beach in LA while we were there for the AMAs and then it just kept worsening and finally popped at MAMA. I think I knew when it happened that it was serious and my first thought was that like, I wasn't going to be able to finish the tour or attend any of our schedules in the near future. Like when serious stuff like this happens, you just know instinctually and I was gutted. Absolutely gutted," I explain frowning while thinking back to just how upset I had been, "you know, this tour has been such a huge thing for BTS. It's seen us grow so much, it's been an amazing way to connect with ARMY and so to know I was going to miss the finale. To not be able to be there to end this together with the boys on stage with ARMY really, really saddened me".

"And now that they're gonna over, and you've had to watch from the audience, are you still sad?" he questions, ticking off a box on a paper in front of him.

"I mean, I think I would still have preferred to perform and be on stage with the group," I answer, "but I wasn't as miserable as I thought I'd be up in the box. It's been fun seeing the concert from another angle. Seeing what ARMY see... it made me realise just how hard we work and like knowing that the boys were scrambling backstage, but making it look effortless... I became an ARMY," I laughed, "it was nice seeing ARMY's perspective and I think it's going to help in preparing for the next tours we do".

"When we interviewed you at the beginning of this tour in February, you said you wanted to learn and grow during this tour. Have you achieved that?" the producer asks, reading from his paper.

"Oh my gosh, it feels like years ago we did that interview," I laugh, "oh my gosh, so much has happened in between now and then... Yeah, I'd say I've definitely learned and grown a lot. I think the whole group has. I started that tour still reeling from the events of 2016 and I think I wouldn't be wrong in saying that I am a very different person from then. I'm stronger, more confident, smarter, kinder... I don't know... more mature? The tour was definetely very tough and gruelling but at the same time it brought us together, both the group itself and ARMY and BTS. And because of that I think it would've been impossible for me to not grow and learn".

"And what has been your favourite part about touring? Any specific concerts? Moments?" he pushes.

"Oh gosh," I say thinking, "I don't know if I can say I had one favourite concert or specific moment. I think I really enjoyed all the funny signs ARMY brought though. It always put a smile on my face," I laugh thinking about a couple like the goddess one with my face or the several ring ones, "I know it's cheesy and we say it way too much, but spending time with ARMY has been my favourite part. I think cuz when we speak about them like now when they're not here or in other interviews, you think of like a big monolith. A huge faceless crowd. But in concerts you get to see their faces, their emotions, their humour through the signs, their aesthetics... the just huge diversity of people that make up ARMY. That each of them is human and that we can make this human connection. They're not just this huge unquantifiable entity. And I think as an artist, I make music for humans. I want that human connection".

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