Chapter 110- The Funeral

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December 20th, 2017:

My sister had stayed with me since she'd arrive on the 18th and Hanbin had dropped by but was very busy with his comeback preparations, so he was only able to drop off some breakfast and eat it quickly with me. I'd only left to go do my physio appointment, otherwise I'd stayed home incredibly depressed. The group chat with Jieun was slightly active with everyone checking up on each other from time to time.

The boys had come home early to pay our respects at Jonghyun's funeral. They'd arrived late last night, and we were to go to Jonghyun's funeral this morning. I had been reading and re-reading Jonghyun's work. I'd found another email he'd sent me not soon after the last one where he'd sent a picture of an image he'd drawn saying he thought it'd make a good cover illustration and that he'd try to photocopy it or give it to me to "properly draw" if he saw me soon. I still hadn't told anyone about the book other than my sister, a little scared about what people would think of me if I did release it. Scared of what people would say about me having all this information on his thoughts and did nothing and why I was the one to have it.

I'd been staying in bed till noon on most days until I had to leave for my physio appointments S/N had been driving me to, but today Yoona was back since we were going to the funeral in the morning. 

"Hi Y/N," Yoona said loud enough to be heard through the whole small apartment, namely the loft where I was.

"Hi Yoona," my sister said from the desk she'd been using the past couple of days to work from, "how have you been, it's been a while".

"I've been good... busy," Yoona said sadly, "I'm glad you've been able to stay with Y/N. Thank you".

"Of course, we've been supporting each other," my sister replies, "it's been nice spending time with her... you know, despite the situation...".

"Is Y/N still sleeping?" Yoona questions.

"Ummm... probably pretending to," S/N says just above a whisper, "she's been really hit by this. She's been really dreading going to his funeral".

"Yeah..." Yoona sighed, a crinkling noise making it impossible for me to fully understand what she was saying.

I let out a sigh, knowing I had to get up. I had to go. If anything, it would give me closure to see his tribute in person.

"Y/N, hi, how are you?" Yoona says, walking onto the last step of the stairs, and looking over at the bed cautiously.

"Fine," I respond, now sitting half out of bed.

Yoona smiles sadly at me as she puts a garment bag on my pouffe.

"I brought you a suite," she says, "Hajoon's gonna pick us up in an hour and a half".

"I'll go get ready," I say, moving past her and going to shower and do my skincare routine and light makeup.

When I'd finished changing, I came back down to Yoona who was chatting with S/N. The suit was slightly too big but I didn't care enough to comment on it.

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