Chapter 109- Love Lasts Forever

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Disclaimer -> this chapter writes about Jonghyun's passing in SHINee, this may be a sensitive topic for some so please only read if you feel comfortable. I love you all so much <3

Underlined + Italicised = French

December 18th, 2017:

The boys had left for Japan on the 12th, the same day I'd successfully gotten my stitches off, and they would be coming back on the 20th. I'd had my first physio session yesterday and while it had started a little rough due slight pain, closer to discomfort, but I was willing to keep going and push through. I had another session planned every day for as long as it kept going well.

I'd just come back from my session and sat down on my couch to look at my emails. The album talks were really progressing and I was happy to finally be getting the ball rolling. I'd also sent over more thoughts about the book to Jonghyun and he'd replied to me yesterday which was surprisingly fast. Usually it took him a couple days.


This looks good! You've really put so much effort this and I'm so thankful. I've attached the other works I've written. I want someone else to have them as back up in case anything happens. If anything does, please assemble everything and don't be afraid to publish. I'm always going to be proud of you and whatever you write and publish so don't be scared to do it. Have faith in yourself because I do.

I loved the concert by the way, I had so much with everyone. You have great members. It really took my mind off things, I needed it. Thank you for everything. You're an amazing friend, always been so fun to be around, thank you.

Your proud sunbaenim,



I couldn't help but feel something was off. I go to open the first document he attached. It was a poem, and it was probably the most obviously depressive poem he'd sent over yet. His past poems, like his first book, had been quite deep and at times depressive, but he'd told me he was seeing someone, and I didn't want to press. Mental health was extremely personal, and I didn't want to pouch past his boundaries given we weren't exactly best friends either.

I'd lost track of time editing and writing and only realising I hadn't had any food since my snack bar after physio after my stomach started grumbling. I'd just ordered some dinner when my phone started blowing up.

Jieun (IU): Has anyone gotten a hold of Jonghyun today?

Hara: No, his sister contacted me though

Taeyeon: Yeah, I'm worried

Jiyong (G-Dragon): Wait, what's going on? Is he okay?

Now I was extremely worried and just as confused as Jiyong.

Jieun: His sister just called me

Jieun: I don't know how to say this

Jieun: Police found him... He's being taken to hospital right now

My heart dropped, my hand immediately going over my mouth in shock. What the hell was going on? I closed my laptop standing up, wanting to be doing something and not just waiting for updates on my phone. I wanted to call Jieun but I knew she probably had more important, better calls to be having right now. Half an hour later, it was actually Jieun that was calling me.

BTS Eighth Member | The Life: Year 2017Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang