Chapter 1

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(Valery king is the one of there).

I hummed the song 'what makes you beautiful' as I opened my locker and I got my books for my next class I know I was late for 3rd period but I didn't care I closed my locker shut and walked to miss Johnson's classroom as I walked in I saw everyone look at me also my teacher
"What?" I shrugged

I'm the kind of student that says what they think not afraid of being disrespectful or hurting people's feelings

"Ms. Montoya you are late again" ms. Johnson said

"No shit Sherlock" I mumbled and the class laughed
I walk to a empty desk next to some random girl

"Excuse me Montoya I don't appreciate your inappropriate humour"
I looked confused cause I wasn't trying to be funny
"I'm not trying to be funny" I said having annoyance in my tone

I don't like Ms. Johnson
She is so annoying no wonder she's not married cause she's grumpy and has no life in the personality of hers
"That's it, you got yourself detention" she said as she have me a pink slip
"Not a again" I sarcastically whined like child as she passed it to me
And everyone laughed
She rolled her eyes
"Yes again" she said
and went back to teaching

~end of 3rd period~

The class made ms. Johnson pissed cause the popular people were talking she sat down until the class was quiet again then she did did a speech about how disrespectful it is and I really don't give a fuck, I then heard voices in the hallway which means pastime
"Bye every-"she waved
"FINALLY" I squealed as I grabbed my books and was about leave but
"Hold on Jordan I haven't dismiss you yet" she said
As I paused and turned to my seat "shit" I whispered cause I heard other people voices fading in the hallway which means pastime is ending (pastime is when you have time to get your stuff in your locker For your next class or talk to your friends in the hallway which is only 3 minutes which is not a lot of time)
And I knew I made everyone late "Bye everyone" she said and everyone jump out their seats and headed the door which was crowded so I had to wait for other people which sucks
"You just had to do that" someone said
I turn around to see who it was and it was Luke. Luke brooks
I freaking hate the dude he is so mean to me for some reason and he's a player, he fucks girls and dumps them out of the blue

He is one of those popular people and the popular people in our school they LOVE socializing and
in pastime that's the only time during school hours they can talk to their friend and shit like that
"Says the guy the kicks school property cause he was pissed at a teacher" I said
He rolled his eyes


School Ended and I'm happy cause it was all I was thinking

I went to my car and started it.

I have to go work
I work at a Starbucks
As I arrived I put on my green apron on and put my hair in a pony tail
2 hours passed and I only had 30 more minutes to leave
I heard the bell rang I didn't know who it was but I was too busy cleaning the counter table the someone made a mess after I was done i went behind the cash register
And saw Valery King
She is the Most popular girl in our school also my bully she doesn't like me for some reason but I don't care
"Welcome to Starbucks what you like to ord-"

"-a grande chai tea latte nonfat and no water and easy on the cream and add Carmel syrup and also vanilla bean syrup but don't over do it" she said while she was on her phone snapped at me rudely

I started pressing my buttons
"10.28" I said in annoyed tone
She gave me the money
"Don't fuck this one up like last time" she said
"It's not my fuckin-" I slightly yelled
"Ahem" my manger said faked coughed

Handling it wrong(Luke brooks fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now