Chapter 10

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It was Homeroom and I was thinking about Jordan

"Hey did you heard" James said
"Heard what" I asked
"About Jordan" he said I notice he had puffy eyes mostly red around his eyes
"Dude are you crying" I laughed and ignored the question
Which made him have more tears coming down
"Sorry I didn't know that was hurtful" I said confusingly
"Jordan jumped off a building" he said sniffing
I can't believe He just said that to me
"Dude that some sick joke your pulling-"I said
"It's not.." He said
"She jumped yesterday" he repeated
"Is she okay" i said shockingly yelling
He shrugged
"I really dont know" he said
"So she could be dead" I said
He nodded
"Or the hospital" he added

It's all my fault...maybe she did it right after our fight
"What was she wearing" I asked worryingly
"A skirt and top" he said
I felt a tear coming down
What if she is dead


I was walking in the halls and saw Meghan puffy eyes like James did
"Meghan" I yelled she turned around
"Is Jordan alive" I asked
She looked at me with watery eyes
"Is Jordan alive" I asked again
She nodded
"She's had a surgery yesterday.." She sobbed a little and walked off


After school I drove to the hospital and walk to recipionist
"Name" she said
"My name is Luke and I'm want do see Jordan" I said

She looked at me with pity
"Jordan is..."
"Is what" I said
"Dead" she said looking sad
"No,no, no..she not dead I was told that she was alive "
"No...Jordan Montoya has a resting...Jordan lilly is dead" she said

I freaking almost had a heart attack
"I'm here for Montoya"I gritted my teeth
"Oh...sorry for that..she's in room 852" she said
"You have 10 minutes visiting hours are almost done" she said

I ran to Jordan's room
She looked damaged
She had a cast on her arm and leg she also has lots of cuts on her face and body she has
Bandages on her face

I kissed her forehead
She her eyes fluttered and smiled but once she saw me she frowned


I woke up by a kiss and I was hopping it was dad but it was Luke
"What do you want" I said harshly
"I want you to feel better" He said
"Why did you kiss Chelsea" I said getting to the point

"She kissed me" he yelled pointing to himself
"It been fucking 45 minutes" I slight yelled
"I didn't stop her though...and why do you care it's not like we're dating" he yelled harshly

He's right i shouldnt I care it's not like we're dating
"Your right luke" I nodded
"I didnt mean-" luke said with a soften face
"But we were on a date that was pretty rude though" I said softly
"Can you go now I'm tired ..." I said pointing to the door
He sighed and left

After 34 minutes
My dad came barging in crying, he's usually the laughing, happy guy
"Hey dad"
He kissed my forehead and was stroking my hair
"What happen.." He asked sobbing
"The police station told me that you fell from a building...who pushed you"
he asked with puffy eyes and red nose
Oh shoot, I never told him about my suicidal attempt maybe I should just say I slip and fall
I wouldn't want him to be broken hearted
"I just fall when I was at the roof of a building" I faked giggled
"I'm so clumsy" I added and I expected my dad to crack a smile but he looked sadder than ever last time I saw him was when Mum died...
If I died my dad would be alone...since my mom died and if I die..he would be all alone...I could I be this selfish
"You could of been dead" dad said
"But I'm I'm okay" I smiled
"Your mom.." He said ignoring what I said
"What about her" I interrupted
He sighed
"I found her journal" he said
My mum was a writer and she has a journal where she write down her thoughts, I remember that she always Wanted to explore the world and she promised me that me and her would explore the world after I finished school but that never happen
"She wrote down that she....I'll just read it to you" he said and open up the book
"June 26th 2010 I feel so useless to the world...I hate feeling this way I think I'm depressed I wanna kill myself cause I HATE myself and I shouldn't feel this pain.." He read
The journal
I sobbed the moment when dad was done reading
How dare did she ever think of that...we did needed her if only I knew then if only I notice what she was depressed
But she wrote that on the 26th of June 2010 but she died the 27th
"Why your telling me this" I sobbed
"She jumped off a building...she never had a car crash" he said
I became slight from my sobbing
"You were young I just say oh your mom was
Suicidal" he said calmly
I sighed
"I'm tired and can you leave" I said quietly and rubbing my temple
He nodded and kissed my top of my head
And left

Why is life so rude to me?  

I sighed and closed my eyes

Handling it wrong(Luke brooks fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora