Chapter 11

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I saw a women in my room of the hospital
She had white Flowy dress
She had blue eyes and blonde hair

She was smiling and caressing my temple to my cheeks
"My beautiful daughter" she said smiling
And I remembered that voice
"Mom" I said with hoarse voice
As I felt tear coming down
She nodded and kissed my head
"I could bear to see
My Jordan like this" she said sitting next to me
"I just had to see you, my love" she smiled
And so did I

"Don't you ever did the mistake I did" she frowning
"I saw you trying to jump" she said looking disappointed
"I was that voice in your had telling you not to" she said raising an eyebrow
She shook her head slowly
"Why" she asked
"I have a hard time living, my life suck" I admitted
"I thought it would be easier just going to heaven and seeing you and grandmum" I said

"I don't want you to die..." She said stroking my hair
"And that Luke guy is a cutie" she said winking and smiling
"We're getting a beat" I heard out of nowhere

Before I knew it
I woke up and stood up and in shock

I saw
doctors everywhere surrounding me
They all huffed out
"She's alive" one doctor said
"What happen" I panted
"We almost lost you" one said
"What do you mean" I asked
"Your heart stopped and you just stop breathing" she said

"Your so lucky" another doctor said
I looked down at my Chest and saw pads clips on my chest
"What are these" I asked
"We had to shock you for pulse" one said taking them off
All the doctors where
Leaving and left me alone with my thoughts

I run my fingers through my hair
I'm really starving
I press the button for assistant
In seconds a pretty nurse came in
"Yes?" She said
"I'm kinda hungry" I said
"Okay, do you want bacon and eggs and pancakes" she said
"Umm. All will be nice, thanks" I smiled
She nodded
"That's sure a lot for a girl" the girl said and left
I smiled and nodded
I was just thinking

How lucky I was getting a pulse, like I couldn't of died
I felt a tear shedding down but I wiped off my tears...that was a scary thought

I saw the old lady nurse coming with my breakfast
"Here you go" she said placing the side table next to me
"Thank you" I smiled
She nodded and left

I heard the door

"Oh and can you get me water too" I said thinking it was the nurse
I saw luke holding a teddy bear and pink and yellow and red roses
He place it next the table
"What do you want" I asked
"Forgiveness" he said
I then saw the lady again
"Jordan, here"
She said giving me a yellow pill and water
I thanked her
And swallowed the pill

"You have a hot boyfriend" she winked and left and Luke laughed cause he heard, obviously

"I'm sorry for....I really don't know" he said ruffling his hair
I rolled my eyes
"Thanks for the awesome apology" I said sarcastically

He rolled his eyes
"I'm sorry" he said
"I'm really am" and I saw that he really meant it
I shrugged
"Okay...whatever" I said rolling my
He smiled and He lean in and his lips brushed mine and my body was tingly feeling like last time
He pulled off when I wanted more
He got up and was about to leave
"Wait!!" I blurted out surprisingly
He turn around and look confused and tilted his head

"Can you stay here, always I'm lonely" I admitted
He smiled and nodded and sat the chair next to me
"Jordan" He said
"Yeah?" I asked closing my eyes for relaxing
"Do you wanna B-be my G-Girlfriend" he said blushing
I fluttered my eyes open and smiled softly and nodded
Haha lol I'm so bipolar

I yawned, I'm so tired
"You should get your rest babe" he said getting up and pecking my forehead
'Babe??!?' I'll get use to that
He then left out of the

What if he breaks my heart....well I
Do need to worry about that since my whole body is broken

I then felt a sharp pain on my inner hip
"Fuck" I mumbled
I pushed the nurse Assisted
A different nurse walked in she looked young and pretty

"Hi I'm nurse Jordan" she said
"My name is Jordan too" I said smiling half
"Hmm" she said smiling
She had really blue eyes and natural pink lips and she is a brunette
"So what do you need" she said
"I have a sharp pain on my inner hip" I said

"I'm just a intern but I'll see what I can do" she smiled
Oh great I don't wanna be rude but she's not really a nurse she studying to be a nurse, no wonder she looked young
I nodded
She started pressing on my hip with both of her hands
"Does it hurt" she asked
I nodded
She lifted my long hospital Gown
Her eyes widen and I looked concern
"What?" I asked
"N-nothing it's just a large bruise" she said
I nodded
She left the room and came back with ice pack and gave to me
"Thank you" I said smiling
She nodded and smile
"Let me know if you want anything" she said and left

I my tiredness started kicking in again and i closed my eyes

Handling it wrong(Luke brooks fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now