Chapter 12

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4 days later
I Fluttered my eyes open it was blurry and I rubbed my eyes and it was more focus

I saw dad with my clothing
"Oh hey" I smiled
"Today is when you leave out of the hospital" he said
I nodded


Dad pushed me with my wheel chair
Out of my room he said bye to the nurses and doctors

Sat at the back and arrived home
"Home sweet home" he said as we entered our home
"You should rest" he said
As I made myself comfortable at the couch and got my wheelchair and crutches right next to me
"Dad, I just woke up" I giggled
"Right...anyway I have to go back to the police station" he said he walk up to me and kissed my forehead
"Can you get my phone" I asked he handed it to me
"Bye" he said and left

I grabbed the remote and push on of the T.V
I mind was rushing over things
Like school I have to go and I don't wanna, and I'm gonna get bullied even more then I was before.... just imagine Jordan the suicidal
I groan wearingly
I dialed up my phone and called Meghan
"Jordan!!" She said happily
"Meghan!!" I mocked jokingly
"So hey what's up" she said
"Uhh, nothing just so bored can u come over" I said
"I would love to but u have a fear of doctors and nurse and plus--"

"I'm at home I just got out" I added
No wonder why she didn't visited
"You didn't let me I'm have family time with my family" she said whining
"Oh" I mumbled
"No n-no I'm fine" I said
"Okay..umm see Ya later" she said and hung up

I sighed in boredom
It was 2pm and got nothing to do--
I then got a beep from my phone
It was text from Luke
Luke: hey babe;)

I actually smiled at his text

Jordan: hey..I just got out of the hospital so I'm at home alone:/

Luke: want me to come over at your house?

Jordan: sure I got nothin to do today:)

After 12 minutes I heard a door bell
I couldn't get that
I then grabbed my phone and text Luke

Jordan: you here

Luke: yep

Jordan: I can't get the door so there's a key under the door mat

I then saw Luke coming through the door
"Hey Luke"
"Hey babe" he said sitting next to me
I then saw a a little bit of lipstick marks on his lips
I giggled
"What" he chuckled
"You got.." I said rubbing of lipstick marks
"Lipstick" I finished my sentence showing him the marks now on my finger

He looked nervous
"Why do you have lipstick on your face" I asked giggled

"Well...U-Um it's....a Janoskians skits you know..." He said
I nodded and watched the tv
I then felt a pair of lips on my cheeks and also felt his cold lip-ring shriving down my spine

I smiled and turned to him
"What was that for" I mumbled
He shrugged and smiled
"Cause I like you" he said
"I'm pretty hungry" I poured with my puppy eyes
He jokingly rolled his eyes which made me giggled a little bit but I still did the pouting

"Want pizza?" He asked
I smiled and nodded
He called the pizza guy

He order and the pizza guy eventually came

"Here you go" Luke said placing the large pizza box to my lap and sat back down
"You want me to eat this all alone?" I asked
He shook his head
"Of course not..I LOVE pizza and food why In the hell would I let you eat my food" he said looking offended
And I laughed

Handling it wrong(Luke brooks fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now