Chapter 7

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*2 day later*
I was walking to school and saw James
"James" I squealed as I ran to him
I didn't talk him for a long time,..the last time I talk was at Chelsea's party when I was drunk as fuck

"Hey" he smiled
"Hi" I said
"So I heard that you and jai are over cause you kissed Luke" he said
"He kissed me" I slightly yelled

"Calmed down it was just a question" James giggled
And I did calmed down

"Sorry James it's just that Luke told jai that I kissed him and I asked him why and he said cause jai will get pissed at him" I said calmly
"Sorry to hear th-" he got cutted off when I saw Luke coming to James
"Here he comes" I said in annoyance
James turn around and saw Luke
"Hey Luke" he said
"Hey" Luke said

I speed walk cause I don't wanna even see the shit
"What up with her ass" Luke said
"Go fuck yourself" I stated and not making eye contact
"She just pissed at you" James said
"Very" I yelled and not making eye contact as we made it to the gates

I didn't have detention today

I open the door to my house and drop my backpack
"Dad" I yelled
And I heard no response
And sighed

I plopped myself on the coach and put on
'Victorious' cause there
was nothing good on

After 3 episodes
I heard a knock on a the door

I got up walked to the door lazily
"Are you a murder" I yelled so They could hear me
"Not really" they said

"Good enough" I shrugged
And open the door and saw Luke
"What are you doing here" I asked
"I came here so we could hang out" he said
I thought for a moment
"Sure?" I said confused more like a question

And I let him the house

"What are watching" he asked as he plopped himself on the coach
"Victorious" I answered
As I sat on floor
"This show sucks..but that red hair girl is is that brown hair girl with the curls" he said pointing to the t.v

"I got Netflix, but it's plays only on my T.V" I said
He got up
"Okay Let's go to your room then" he asked

"Uhh, no its my room" I said

"Come on, it's not like I'm going to fuck with you" he said
I gave him a death glare
"Fine" I gritted my teeth

We both went upstairs to my room and I grabbed the remote
He plopped himself to my bed
And sat down on my bed
"What do you wanna watch" I said
He thought for second
"Anything scary" he smiled
Just like his brother
"Okay....want scream4" I said as I looked at the tv
"Sure" he shrugged and I
Played the movie
"Jordan.."he said
"Yeah" I said as I lied down on my bed
"I'm sorry for being rude to you the other day" he apologized
"It's fine" I shrugged
"It's your hormones talking" I said and he laughed


"That movie is seriously fucked up" I yelled in anger
"Your just mad cause it scare the living shit out of you" Luke said
And I rolled my eyes
"Let's watch another movie " he said
I then put on 'scary movie'
And Luke look at me weird
"What.....its comedy and horror" I shrugged
As he lied on my other pillow like I did and we were like inches apart
"This movie is so weird" he predicted

"No it's not" I said as I turn to face him
And I saw his hazel eyes and I couldn't help but to gaze at them and he gazed back at mine
And HE lean in and I found myself leaning in too sadly
And I felt his pair of lips on to mine and we both move in sync
And his tongue asked for a entrance and I let it in and it explore my mouth and my stomach feel like it was twisted up... Not in pain but more like a tickle but not humorous at all

To be honest I kinda, sorta liked this kiss

We both pulled away
And my cheeks turn red instantly
"Your a really good kisser" he smirked
"This is what you basically do everyday" I shrugged
And went back focusing on the movie
"I don't do it everyday" he said

"You know your so confusing Luke" I admitted
"What do you mean" he said confusingly

"I mean you always are so rude to me and all of sudden you wanna hang out and you kissed me for showing a dumbass example about guys want to date me..what kind of person would date me and-" I said
"This one" he said
"Haha funny," I sarcastically said
"Anyway Luk-"
"I'm not lying, I like you Jordan" he said

I was studying his face for lies but failed
"Then why are you
So mean to me" I asked
He shrugged
"I didn't what to but somehow I did" he shrugged
Not in a million years thought he would 'like me' I hated him for being rude and playing girls
"Luke I don't like you" I said sternly said

"You play girls and you basically being rude for no good reason," I said
He looked at me in the eye and sat up

"Didn't you feel anything on that kiss...I did" he slightly yelled as he sat
But I then remembered that funny feeling I had in my stomach.. I never felt that feeling before not even with jai and it was sooo new to me maybe I do like him a little bit

And I nodded my head
"Yes I did, but i don't think it means anything luk-"

He got up and head out to the door "fuck this I shouldn't be hanging out with you I'm Luke brooks I have million girls I can fuck" he spat at me and slammed my door shut and I heard him going slamming the door again downstairs

I hugged my breath and plopped myself on my pillow

Ugh!, why do I feel guilty...I shouldn't, he plays girls and I bet he says 'I like you' to every girl, maybe that was a little harsh of what I said for not liking him I do...I think, I should of kept quiet...maybe I should apologize and tell him that I like him...., Tomorrow

I rested my eyes and my mind wondered off and soon everything went black....

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