Chapter 6

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I'm in Ms. Johnson class, Miss Johnson is so boring she is talking about the party last week and how the party planning club was doing a great job and I really don't want to remember the party cause it sucked for me.....Well in the beginning it did, but eventually I had fun with Jai, I looked around the classroom and I could tell the student are really bored cause they're either talking to someone or doing something to distracted themselves for miss Johnson
I saw Luke resting his head on his desk
And watching miss Johnson He looks pretty cute right now- why am I doing this to myself, I'm supposed to like and adore Jai and right now I'm staring at Luke and I hate myself for this.

Luke was running his hand through his finger and was adjusting to be comfortable and then looked at my direction
As soon he notice that I looked at him I jerked my head to a different direction to not make eye contact

Jai said after school he wants to walk with me and we should watch a movie or something but first stop at his house to get my necklace
But I don't want don't wanna face him after what I did to him I got more guiltier every time i see him.... Maybe I could get detention so that's means I wouldn't get guiltier.... aren't I a genius

I told you guys I didn't have detention for long time which it was 5 or 6 weeks ago

I looked around the classroom to find something to get me in trouble and I didn't really have anything that would get me in trouble but.... I did saw miss Johnson writing the date of the final test and she kept giving us those every month which doesn't make it final plus we already had the 'final' test the first week of May

Miss Johnson was still writing the date of the 'final' test and I was in the back row with Meghan

I got up from the back row and everyone was looking at me in confusion exclusion miss Johnson she was still writing the date

including Meghan "what are you-" meghan whisper
"Shhh, I know what I'm doing" I said as I was walking up to the Board and erased the date and It was in big letters and miss Johnson took a step back in confusion after I was done erasing
I turn to her
"Jordan what do you think-" she said

"Please stop with this final test shit.., we had those like a million times women and that doesn't make it a final smart one, do us all a favor and stop with this shit" I slightly yelled in annoyance
Everyone was cheering in agreement and laughing

Miss Johnson thought for a moment
"Perhaps you right miss Montoya" she said to me
My jaw dropped I really thought I'll get detention for sure and now I was wrong

Miss Johnson turn to the class "student there be no final test" she said
And everyone cheered and I walked back to my sit in confusion and my head hanging Low
"Fuck" I mumbled
"Yesss, no test" Meghan said
"Great" I said sacastically
"I thought it's what you wanted" she said looking concern
"Not really, I don't give a shit about that" I said to her
"Wait I'm confused, then why did you do it" she asked me
" I want detention" I whined
"Okay" Meghan said in confusion

I really don't care if she didn't understand
Maybe I could do this again, plan B
I got up and left the classroom and walked to my locker and got a sweatshirt I know that miss Johnson will give me detention for not having permission to leave the classroom

I closed my locker shut and I walked back to the classroom and saw everyone looking at me
"Jordan why did you leave this classroom" she asked me and she looked piss and I'm smiling in the inside
"I was cold" I shrugged and put on my sweatshirt on
"You can't leave this room with my permission and you know that, you got detention" she said
And handed the pink slip
"Finally" I mumbled
And walked back to my seat

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