Chapter 9: Honeymoon 🔞

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Sasuke had always been a morning person. Perhaps it was already hard-wired in him, but he wasn't one to complain about it. It was quite beneficial for his schedule after all.

His half-lidded eyes adjust to the morning rays and light entering the room, and felt it's been quite a while since he was this relaxed. The wedding yesterday was not an easy day to conquer, it was far more exhausting than a week's worth of his work, which could be the reason why his deep sleep last night was far more than satisfactory. Surely it had nothing to do with a make-out session before his eventual slumber.

He was about to stand up and get some coffee 'til he felt an odd movement on his back all of a sudden. He quickly remembers he wasn't alone for the time being. He hated sharing a bed, but it'll be only for a week anyway. How hard could it be? As he attempted to shift his position, he finally took notice of the weight on top of him. He still had his back turned from Sakura since last night, and he was by the edge of the bed to at least give her her space.

He was sure they had enough space.

But instead, he felt cramped in his side of the bed, her one leg curled on top of his, her arm placed on top of his waist with her palm hanging lowly by his abs. He quickly realizes now it was her head leaning so closely on his back. He could feel her warm breath through the back of his shirt the longer he stayed in this position.

She was little-spooning him.

This was a first. He had never slept with anyone he had sex with, and avoided any form of unnecessary intimacy outside sex.

Whatever she's on to right now, he didn't know. Did she suddenly have the courage to make the first move on him? He wonders idly as he remained still in his side of the bed assessing the situation.

Not a minute later, she groaned in her sleep and the raven felt her body shift, almost pushing him out of the bed with her attempts to tighten the embrace. Sasuke grunts, no longer finding this relaxing with the unexpected strength she has on her grip. "Sakura" he says, attempting to wake her up, but she didn't even flinch.

The pinkette had such a good sleep. She was a little awake but her mind was still hazy, her one eye open and half lidded. A smile escapes her lips upon hearing the ocean waves not far from where she was. This was a different kind of comfort. Like Sasuke's bed in his guest room except this was by the beach. She closed her eyes again, taking it all in— the comfort of her pillow underneath her head, the memory foam mattress, the sound of the oceans waves outside and her name being called out by Sasuke's low baritone voice so gentle it sounded like a lullaby, "Sakura" she faintly heard her name from him again. "five more minutes" she whispers out of habit as she nuzzled and hugged her pillow tight.

Why does my pillow smell like a man? She wonders, still a little sleepy. She wanted to stay in bed longer. After all, last night was—


Both her eyes flung open this time, her body and soul now wide awake; realization finally catches up to her as logic comes back from its nighttime slumber. She squeals and scrambles out of her position at the realization of what she had done, waking up with her leg on his and her hand fixated on his abs. "S-s-Sasuke!! I'm sorry!" She cries as she sees him at the edge of the bed almost falling off after she accidentally kicked him in attempt to pull away. She had been cuddling him to what it seems.

Sakura really wasn't used to sleeping without a bunch of pillows surrounding her. She always had her hugging pillow at home. During sleepovers with Ino and Tenten, she would have her bed to herself, regardless which house they'll be having the sleepover in, while the other two slept on the floor completely in their preference just because she was told she was a serial hugger in bed to the point of death, whatever that meant.

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