A Gift from the Gods...

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In a small and seemingly desolate grassy plain bustling with abundant flora and fauna, there existed a secluded village adorned with lushness and radiance. It was a humble village, home to a population of no more than 200 individuals.

The atmosphere there was serene and filled with tranquility.


that village exists no longer.

Regrettably, it was situated between two colossal nations: the Crusader Kingdom in the North, part of the Genesis continent, and the Kingdom of Deus in the South, a part of the Pathos continent. These nations were engaged in a severe political conflict, which eventually led to a devastating war.

The village, being the only source of cover and resources in the area, became a crucial chokepoint utilized by both sides.

Tragically, the village was ravaged!

Crops were either stolen or incinerated, livestock killed, houses damaged and occupied. Even ordinary civilians fell victim to the soldiers' merciless attacks in response to any form of retaliation.

Nevertheless, the villagers refused to surrender. They took up arms to defend what was rightfully theirs.

However, their valiant efforts proved futile.

The soldiers were skilled mages, belonging to an advanced class of magic, while the villagers were incompetent and lacked magical abilities.

As a result of their resistance, the soldiers set the entire village ablaze and ruthlessly slaughtered every last villager...


The war raged on for nine long months, leaving behind a grim aftermath.

What once was a verdant and picturesque grassy plain had transformed into a desolate wasteland, enveloped in a haze of blood, the stench of decaying corpses, lifeless vegetation, and scorched earth. The radius of destruction extended up to 15 kilometers from the village's epicenter.

All that remained within the village were mounds of charred bodies and the ashy remnants of what used to be their wooden homes, now reduced to stone foundations...


One week after the war's conclusion, a band of mercenaries arrived to scavenge the spoils of the conflict.

Among them was their leader, a man in his fifties, bearing a pale complexion adorned with numerous blemishes and wrinkles on his forehead. His dark hair exhibited silver streaks at the front, neatly trimmed and styled.

He wore a chain-leather armor embellished with a religious cross symbol, a crimson sun, dripping blood was displayed above it, and a figure of an impaled body positioned atop the sun's rays, on the back of his armor. The armor's interior was lined with fur from the waist to the neck and shoulders, providing added warmth. His pants were crafted from the same material.

His face exuded a rugged and masculine appeal, characterized by a dark-brown iris and a neatly groomed, thin, grey beard.

A sword hung at his waist, secured by a belt. It was a typical longsword, displaying traces of rust and blood, bearing signs of wear and tear from countless battles...

"What a horrible sight to look at..." he uttered, his voice laced with sorrow.

It's unfathomable to believe that this land was once a flourishing paradise, he mournfully contemplated.

"Heh! So much for the 'Holy Lands,'" he scoffed, a bitter sense of irony tainting his words.

Well, it was foolish to expect anything pleasant amidst a battlefield...

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