Broken Bonds...

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20 minutes Later...

Marcus sat, his back pressed against the sturdy trunk of a tree. His body bore the scars of battle, a testament to the trials they had faced. Rebecca and Anne had tended to his wounds, but the toll of age and unyielding stress had left him weakened and fatigued. Every movement was an effort, and his body throbbed with soreness.

As Marcus slowly opened his eyes, he was met with a sea of worried faces, all gazing at him intently. Anne knelt beside him, her concern evident.

"How are you feeling, Marcus?" she asked, her voice filled with genuine care.

Casting a quick glance around, Marcus locked eyes with Anne before responding, "Better."

Rebecca couldn't help but interject, her words tinged with worry.

"You shouldn't have pushed yourself so hard. You could have died if you kept fighting, even for a moment longer."

Then, Rebecca turned her attention to Alf, her voice laced with a touch of disappointment.

"And, Alf! Why didn't you eliminate that knight at the inn? We could have recovered our IDs if you had taken the opportunity!"

Alf's expression sagged with self-disappointment as he revealed his reasons. "He had children... I couldn't bring myself to take another father's life," he confessed, his voice heavy with remorse.

Rebecca's own realization dawned upon her. "Oh... I see."


Around 20 minutes of silence had passed.

An air of silence enveloped the weary group as they sought respite, each waiting for someone to conjure a plan for their onward journey. Marcus, his gaze fixed upon the ground, felt the weight of exhaustion—both physical and mental—bearing down upon him.

"I think it may be time..." Marcus hesitated, his words trailing off.

Every eye turned towards Marcus, their expressions filled with concern, awaiting an explanation.

"Time for what?" Anne inquired softly, her voice trembling slightly.

"To retire."

The words hung in the air, leaving the group stunned.

No one had expected Marcus, the embodiment of resilience and determination, to utter such a statement. He had always been the one to press on, to fight against all odds.

"My body can no longer keep up with the demands of battle," Marcus admitted, his voice tinged with a sense of defeat.

However, Marcus's true intention extended beyond physical limitations. He contemplated his future, the two young children within their guild, and knew they couldn't continue living the life of mercenaries indefinitely.

"Marcus... Are you serious?" Rebecca's voice wavered, reflecting the disbelief shared by all.

"Yes," Marcus responded, his tone laced with resignation.

A heavy silence fell upon the group as they grappled with the weight of Marcus's decision. Words eluded them, lost amidst the myriad of emotions coursing through their hearts.

But Alf, unable to contain himself, interjected passionately, attempting to convince Marcus otherwise. "Come on, guys! Marcus just needs some rest... Give him a few days, and he'll be ready again—"

"Alf..." Marcus's gaze pierced through Alf's fervent plea, his eyes speaking volumes.

"Y-you can't be serious... Right?" Alf's voice trembled, his world seemingly crumbling.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2023 ⏰

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