Aching Memories

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Inside Marcus's consciousness.

Marcus found himself reclining in a dim and desolate void.

His body was bare, devoid of organs, with only his figure, facial features, and numerous scars remaining. The scars crisscrossed his abdomen, ribs, thighs, and arms, the most prominent being the one on the side of his right rib and the one on his face.

Beneath Marcus, a puddle extended, reaching his ankles, as if the void stretched out infinitely.

Sitting up, Marcus noticed that the intense pain that had tormented him had faded upon touching his chest.

Despite the potential entrapment in this place for eternity, he felt an unusual sense of tranquility.

"What is this place?" Marcus muttered, rising from his position.

Surveying his surroundings, all he could perceive was an abyss enveloping him from every direction.

"Am I trapped here?"

"Could this be the limbo Rebecca mentioned?"

Marcus observed his arms, which had a faint white hue, and proceeded to examine his body, devoid of all senses.

How peculiar... Marcus pondered to himself.

His thought reverberated within his mind, causing him to feel disoriented.

What's happening?! Marcus wondered in pain.

His voice echoed once more, intensifying his disorientation.

He collapsed to the ground, clutching his head in an attempt to silence the ringing sensation.

The ringing persisted for about 10 seconds before silence engulfed the void again.

This time, Marcus decided to articulate his thoughts instead, putting an end to their echoing effect.

"What was that all about?" Marcus exclaimed, rising from the ground and regaining his balance.

Once more, Marcus surveyed his surroundings, only to be consumed by an overwhelming sense of suffocating fear.


He aimlessly wandered through this empty abyss, devoid of light, warmth, and any connection to his physical senses.

However, Marcus relied not on sight but on his spiritual senses, a sense of "feeling" that permeated this void.

"Considering how I've been here for what seemed like an eternity, it appears the ritual has gone awry," Marcus reasoned.

"It seems this is my eternal dwelling... How wonderful..." he sarcastically quipped, lying back down and closing his eyes, hoping to escape this nightmare through sleep.

But sleep never came...


[An Unknown Amount of Time Later]

Marcus continued his aimless journey through the endless abyss, the faint glow emitted by his body gradually fading, almost merging with the darkness.

"How long has it been? Weeks? Months? Years? Decades?" Marcus contemplated, losing track of time as he roamed the void, slowly succumbing to insanity.

"I never imagined feeling such profound loneliness in my life."

"If only I had heeded Anne's words..." Marcus silently admitted, consumed by deep sorrow emanating from the relentless darkness and eternal solitude.

Once again, Marcus lay on his back, as was his routine, upon the lukewarm puddle beneath him, attempting to meditate and preserve his sanity.

However, his grasp on sanity was slipping away, and even meditation seemed futile in saving him now.

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