The First Town!

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It was the break of dawn, and the group gathered near the river's bank, preparing to journey to the nearest town.

"Leon, you mentioned the town is just a two-hour walk along the riverside, right?" Rebecca inquired, seeking confirmation.

"Mhm," Leon responded with a slight groan.

"That's not too far, then. We should reach there before noon," Rebecca stated optimistically.

"I can't wait to have a proper bath! I miss it so much," Rebecca exclaimed, her face filled with longing.

"I'll need to buy Arthur new clothes," Anne chimed in, considering their next errand.

"I just hope he doesn't grow as fast as he did last night," Anne chuckled nervously.

"Hah! That would be quite a disaster!" Rebecca scoffed, sharing a laugh with Anne.

"Ms. Rebecca, when will Papa and Uncle Marcus be here?" Renna, the youngest member of the group, asked innocently.

Rebecca squatted down, petting Renna's head affectionately.

"They should be here in a few minutes, sweetie. They're just packing up everything we need," she replied, her smile radiant.


After ten minutes, Marcus and Alf emerged from the forest, carrying four large hiking bags filled with essential supplies and clothing. The bags were heavy and packed to the brim.

"Finally done!" Rebecca exclaimed, slightly disappointed at the delay.

"Sorry for the wait. We had some trouble fitting in the tents, as usual," Alf apologized sheepishly, laughing at their recurring issue.

"Is everyone ready to mo--" Marcus was about to ask until something caught his attention.

He noticed Arthur hiding behind Anne, observing them with timid curiosity.

"What's wrong with him?" Marcus inquired, his attention captured.

"Oh, nothing. He's just a bit shy," Anne explained.

Anne gently urged Arthur forward, offering him reassurance with her smile. The young boy stood still, fidgeting nervously, as Marcus approached him, with a daunting expression.

Squatting down to Arthur's level, Marcus, with his imposing presence, initially intimidated the boy. However, he reached out and patted Arthur on the head, his smile warm.

"Welcome to the family, Arthur," Marcus said, his words fostering a sense of belonging.

Arthur's face lit up with a delighted smile, his confidence growing as he felt accepted among them.

Anne, joining Arthur, crouched down and looked at him tenderly.

"Arthur, can you say 'hello' to everybody?" she asked in a soft tone.

With a bashful demeanor, Arthur began to fidget and blush before stammering,


The unexpected display of Arthur's ability to speak left everyone gasping in shock.

"Whoa! Arthur can speak?" Rebecca exclaimed, astonishment evident in her voice.

"Was that his first words?" Alf questioned, seeking confirmation.

"Nope! His first words were 'Yes.' He spoke last night!" Anne proudly revealed.

"Sweetie, that's amazing! Arthur can speak even though he was just an infant two days ago?" Marcus marveled, impressed by the young boy's development.

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