The day magic got a bit out of control

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This story continues where we last left off, it also starts in Honors perspective.

I ran downstairs ready for class, ready to learn potions, I saw kat and Sal and Mar running to class. "Hi Katie, Sally, Maria" I saw Katie's blonde hair and couldn't stop laughing, it was a MESS. "KATIE WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR HAIR-" "The blow-dryer messed it up." 

Switching to normal perspective 

Everyone was in class learning to do Potions, suddenly Katie could see a green aura surround her. Vines surround her and she loses control. "SOMEONE CALL THE GAURDIA-" He gets slammed against a wall.

Honors fight or fight response kicked in. She proceeds to call the guards. 

"Miss were busy but we can send Luz and Amity."

Honor ran but got slammed against the door, she was sitting there trying to reach to Katie. "Katie?! Can you hear me. Please stop you're hurting us-" she was cut off only to be attacked by a vine.

Suddenly the doors swung open "Woah what happened here, why is the room covered in vines" Luz said. "Help m-" The vines release Honor and wrap around Katie, Honor sits there and passes out. "Hello Honor" "Who said that!?" Honor turned only to see nothing but darkness. "I am the Titans spirit." In shock Honor jolted awake only to see Luz and Amity on the floor "Why do they always send us out" Luz said. Honor blasted the vines with a pyro mix (A fire and light glyph together) It took a few glyphs to k!ll all the vines but after Katie was takin to the healing coven.


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