Raeda wedding eee😁

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                                          Raeda wedding commence.

                                                    5/7/2023 8:00 am

"KING COME QUICK MOMS GETTING MARRIEDDDD" King rushed downstairs to see luz happy as a bumblebee in spring. " WHEN" "AT 12:00 AM" "WEH, I AM SO EXCITED" "WHY IS EVERYONE YELLINGGG" Honor said from the top of the stairs. "EDAS GETTING MARRIED AT 12:00 PM" "COOL"




"My ears hurt-"

"SORR- sorry Honor"

"Is fine" Honor went back to her room so she can think about our meaning as humans and why we exist. "(Humming 'boys don't cry)" 'Hmm I wonder why cats lick themselves- wait I'm gonna spend an hour on my phone looking up random questions'




'Eh its fine'

                                                5/7/2023 11:00 am

'Wait what time is it-"

"HONOR THE WEDDINGS IN ONE HOUR" "GAH" "You good" King said concerned. "Yeah just STOP YELLING" Honor said very angry.

They all got ready and heard Camila telling Edric not to explode the place.

Everyone sat, suddenly the place went quiet and then music started playing. (Insert wedding march music) Eda walked down the aisle and Gwendolyn was tearing up. Honor thought to herself. 'Idk why they invited me but I'm happy to be here.' 

(Bump as the officiator)

"Raine Whispers, do you take Edalyn Clawthorne as your lawfully wedded wife."

"I do"

"Edalyn Clawthorne, do you take Raine Whispers as your lawfully wedded partner"

"I do"

"You may- Why dose that kid have a bomb-"

"Edric no"

"But miss Noceda."


"That was weird, you may kiss."

They kissed but Honor sensed a tense, a presence if you will. 'Why do I feel like someone didn't want to be here? eh probably nothing' "Ugh why did have to attend this wedding" "Well because- and it's- now don't-" "stardust you're breaking up" "Sorry about that Belos, star child was trying to break in again." 

End of chapter 7

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