A who za ma what!?

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"Why am I still here if the portal works? I have some serious costplay to work on." Honor said."Luna idk-" "STOP CALLING ME LUNA!"
Honor punches Katie for no reason
K: "Ow ow owwww"
H: "Sorry"
                                                   In da group chat bc duh

Luna: I still have that scar on my left leg
Samwitch: Oof
Salad: Does it hurt?
Luna: Not really
Mary: Yo wasup
Kat: Depression 😃
Mary: Oh-
Luna: This chat has fallen down hill hasn't it?
Mary: "Yeahhhh"
Salad: Oh nooooooo
Samwitch: It's true
Kat: Yall wanna video call?
Luna: Sure!
Salad: I'm down
Mary: Why not?
Kat: Aight it's official

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