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[Next Day]

"356 second avenue." Fiona read aloud. "This is it."

The hunters walked towards the small house with caution. No one knew what they might be dealing with.

Once they got to the front door step, Fiona knocked.

"Hello! Mr." Fiona read the paper Ms. Forges had given her. "Mr. Rogers! It's Fiona. Brady Stewart's daughter."

There was no answer.

"Ugh, it smells like death in here." Fiona covered her nose from the putrid smell.

"That's because someone's dead." Dean pointed towards a shrunken body lying limp in a chair.

"Is that an IV bag?" Sam pointed towards a metal rod holding a plastic bag.

"Shit." Dean sighed. "Djin got to him."

"You've dealt with one of these things before?" Fiona asked.

Sam and Dean both nodded their heads.

"So, how do we deal with this then?" Fiona looked towards the two hunters and they stared back in confusion.

"You've never dealt with a Djin?"

"Well, considering that I just asked how to deal with one, I'd say NO!"

"Let's just hope we don't run into it." Dean said as he reached for a blade covered in blood.

Fiona opened her mouth to question it but Dean silenced her.

"I'll tell you later princess. Right now we need to make sure this place is clear and safe"

Fiona nodded her head and grabbed a bloody blade from Sam.

"Meet back here once the whole house is cleared." Dean ordered. "Shout if you run into a problem." He then sent a wink towards Fiona.

She rolled her eyes.

When Sam walked towards the kitchen, Dean to the back room, Fiona had no choice but to check the basement.

"Of course," she huffed. "I get the sketchiest spot last."

Fiona nudged the door open with her foot and stared down the steps.

It seemed oddly strange that the darkness was calling to her. Rather than telling her to run.

Fiona slowly made her way down the cold steps of the basement, her weapon close to her side.

Once she reached the last step, her left hand felt for a light switch.

Fiona's finger brushed against it and she flicked it on.

Oh how she wished to never see again.

As a hunter, people believe that you're strong. They believe you'd never be afraid of anything.

Fiona was currently puking her guts onto the floor as the scene in front her continued to unfold.

It was almost as if she were living in a slasher film. There were body parts everywhere.

Fiona stopped retching and tried to calm herself as best as she could.

"What the fuck?!" She gasped.

How does someone get away with something like this?

The huntress stepped further into the room and looked around.

The more she looked, the longer she didn't want to be down here.

Fiona walked over a severed head and kept whatever remained in her stomach down.

"I've got nothing!" She heard Sam shout from upstairs.

"I'm all cleared up here!" Dean added.

Fiona looked at a door at the end of the room. It was slightly ajar.

A shadow passed by as she stepped closer.

Fiona held her weapon tighter and moved forward.

"Fiona?" Dean called out.

"Oh I swear to god, he's got the wrong time to be yelling at me right now!"

There was a thud as Fiona stood outside the door.

Her heart jumped at the sound but it dropped at what she saw as the door swung open.

"Oh my god."

A woman around Fiona's age was strapped to a chair. An iv ran from her left arm up to a bag hanging by her head. It was filled with her own blood.

"Guys!" Fiona started as she began to slowly turn around. "I've got another bod-"

A man with tattoos covering his face stood in front of Fiona. They glowed a strange blue as he stuck his hand out towards her face.

Fiona felt his hand touch her skin. It felt oddly strange but somehow comforting to her.

Soon, the huntress fell into a deep sleep.

Soon, the huntress fell into a deep sleep

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"Fiona?" Dean shouted once more.

"Dude, relax. She's fine." Sam said.

Dean shook his head.

"No, something's wrong."

Dean made his way towards the basement and ran down the steps.

He almost slipped on the blood and body parts that laid everywhere.

"Oh god." Dean slightly gagged.

"Dean? Everything alright?" Sam asked from upstairs.

Dean looked towards a room that held a female strapped to a chair. He looked towards the floor and saw the blade Fiona had once held.

"Fiona's not here..."

"What?" Sam came down the steps this time.

"Ugh!" Sam covered his mouth.

"Son of a bitch!" Dean grabbed his head.

"She should've stayed in the car."

Caught on Camera § Dean Winchester Where stories live. Discover now