Chapter One - I just wish I could give him a better lifestyle.

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Hi to all and to all, hi. I'm kind of new to this kind of thing, you know, the serious situations, struggles, sorrows, & intense love. I mean, everyone hurts so I'll probably be able to put some emotion into it. However, I won't be that good at first. I'll work up to that. And thank you so much for giving my story a chance! Oh, and keep in mind that this story is fiction, some things will be made up, just figments of my imagination which can get pretty weird at times. Lol.

Also, with the cast crew, you can imagine or picture ANYONE you want. It doesn't have to be who I chose, if you don't like it. However, I like who I chose.. I think they fit my characters very well and that's just who came to mind. So, tata! Enjoy! xx


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The beginning:

I walked underneath the Warf Bridge until I reached my destination. I dropped my little worn out, brown purse and a paper bag full of little samples I got from the nearby stores onto the mud and slowly slid down to the floor with an audible thud. I sighed tiredly and ran my fingers through my hair. Exhausted wasn't the word for how I felt. The same routine everyday had began to tire me out completely.

"Kahlin, come out and enjoy the sunset with mommy." I called out to my son who, like everyday, hid out in the tunnel- well, our home, until I got back from work. I heard shuffling and soon footsteps before I saw my pride and joy slowly appeared out of the tunnel. He was wearing the same thing he'd worn all of last week.

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