Chapter Eight - I'm just a friend, nothing more. Just an escort.

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"everytime is the last time.. and i'm kicking myself just trying to be understanding."

Okay, so just picture Jlo in this dress. *heart eye emoji*


    Work today was great. Mr. Blazè had a lot for me to do and I liked being busy. It kept the thoughts at bay. As usual, Mr. Blazè was his bossy, straight faced self and I wondered what monsters were inside his head to stop him from ever smiling, even if just a smirk.

    Kahlin was excited to go to school today. I think he just enjoyed learning. He got that from his mommy. Sometimes, I wondered if he'd gotten any traits from.. Thomas. I hoped not, but I couldn't not expect it if it'd happened. He was the father, unfortunately.

    Currently, I was in a taxi on my way home to make sure everything was prepared for tonight. I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous for it all. Actually, it was quite terrifying. Because if the people at the party were anything like the ones at work, I was screwed. Mostly with the women. It seemed like they all hated me. Of course, I knew why.

    As we drove by the buildings, I couldn't help thinking about how my life changed right before my eyes. I was still awaiting the second, minute, hour or day when I'd be pulled from this amazing dream. And even though Mr. Blazè was a big jerk most times, it was surreal, honestly. Amazingly surreal.

    With my head and mind way gone, I didn't realize that I'd reached my destination. I blinked when I heard the monotonous voice calling out "ma'am" every few seconds. I gasped, dropping back into reality and reached for my purse, pulling out a crisp twenty dollar bill and handing it to the man.

    "Keep the change." I told him with a smile.

    "What change?" He asked with a bored expression and tone.

    My cheeks heated in embarrassment and I quickly exited the vehicle. The taxi zoomed away and I turned around, entering the building.

    I rushed to the house, still shocked that these people actually built this place for this man. I pushed the keys into the lock and twisted it, opening the door. When I got inside, I placed my purse on the table and sighed.

    Not long after, the phone rang. I quickly retreated to the hallway and picked the phone up, holding it to my ear.

    "Ugh! Jay and Ellie are pissing me off." I heard Erin's angry voice exclaim on the other end.

    "Jay's her husband, I assume? And, why? What's wrong?" I asked, making my way to the room.

    "They're always arguing." She sounded annoyed. "I get that couples argue, even though I can feel it in my bones that they won't be a couple much longer, but I hate when they do it in front of the triplets."

    "Why do you think they won't be a couple much longer? And, you should pick the kids up whenever they're arguing." I suggested.

    She snorted. "Cheaper they live with me if that be the case. And because.. they argue all the time, they disagree on everything, they literally despise one another now and they haven't had sex since cavemen days." She listed off her reasons for thinking they'd be separating pretty soon.

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