Twenty Two- John..

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One step was all it took..


Kendra Hamilton's P.O.V

    I stood by the island, eating grapes when the house phone rang. As much as this phone would usually ring, it still scared the living daylights out of me every time it did. With haste I rushed to the phone and picked it up. Holding it to my ear, I greeted the person on the other side.


    "Good evening, Ms. Hamilton. I'm calling in reference to your house." It was a woman. Her tone was so businesslike, yet warm.

    It may seem silly, but hearing her call the place 'my house' made me feel so elated inside. "Yes, ma'am." I walked out of the kitchen, and just began ambling around the house.

    "I just wanted to update you on some stuff." She cleared her throat. "Well, in less than two weeks, you can be in your place. They're just putting the finishing touches on your tiles, your counters and making sure the wiring is legit."

    "That's great. Thanks so much." I breathed, smiling widely.

    "You're welcome. You'd said that you already have someone to deal with the yard?" The lady questioned.

    "Actually, yes, I do. He's aware of that."

    "Great. Should we give him a call and tell him to prepare within a two week span?"

   "Even better, I can let him know personally. I'll let him know that as soon as possible." I told her. Eventually, the conversation ended but not before we discussed the details of the house itself and the neighborhood. I knew then that I chose the right house, but not without the assistance of my son and Mr. Blazè.

    After ending the call with the real estate agent, not even a minute later, Antonio called. However, we didn't spend too much time on the phone. He simply let me in on the fact that he was coming to bring me lunch tomorrow at work, so I didn't have to go out to buy any. I also told him about the house and how much time he had to prepare. He seemed very excited about it. I couldn't deny that I shared the same emotions.

    Scaring me, the phone rang again. This time, I wasn't afraid of the unexpected ring but simply because it was ringing a bit too much and right after the other. It was unusual. I picked it up anyway, and I was really glad I did. It was Erin. But, when I heard another familiar sounding voice, my stomach dropped.

    "Hey, Erin, Ellie." I swallowed down my nervousness. Did she call to argue with me? I assumed Erin told her everything; this could be the only possible reason.

    "Hey, Ken." Erin sang. She sounded as though she was smiling. This was not the time to smile, Erin!

    "Hey, Kendra. How are you?" I took note that Ellie didn't sound angry. In fact, she sounded the farthest thing from that. And it confused me, but I was grateful.

    "I'm great and you?" I questioned, having a seat on the couch. I grabbed a pillow and hugged it to my body.

    "Firstly, I'd like to let you know that I want to be apart of my little brother's life. I don't want him to grow up not knowing me." Ellie said. "It sucks that I've never met him, meanwhile the triplets are so close with him."

    "Don't worry, El. I'll be bringing him for a sleep over soon and you can get to know him." Erin sighed dreamily. "He has a heart made of gold."

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