One Giant Leap

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In the spring of the year 2015, Matt was honorably discharged after serving in the Maddsolian Armed Forces for a few years. After returning to regular life, he bought a tiny house on the outskirts of Magdagrad to be in the middle of all the hustle. At his new home, he dedicated his time to learning everything about T7Z90's history (and Earth's history too.) Another college, university, or graduate school would've taken too long, and he had limited time until his campaign would start, so he taught himself.

He still had time to travel, though. His next destination was the Tonalonian mainland, to learn the history of Maddsolia's forgotten brother nation. Following the Maddsolia-Tonalonia war many years ago, the Maddsolian government took over the Tonalonian Imperial Government, giving the former government officials little to no representation. Tonalonia was a Maddsolian puppet state, but Matt thought that was stupid. He had to do something to stop the fighting and seperation, and unite the lands like they once were.

While he was on his trip, he met the soon-to-be "leader" of Tonalonia, Ynot Joribel, who also had plans to become leader of his country. They talked for a while and exchanged contact information. Apparently, Ynot had a similar opinion on the government thing, which surprised Matt. They both were around the same age, which was good because of the plan Matt had in mind. Ynot invited Matt to meet in Antonya, Tonalonia's capital city, a while after he returned to Magdagrad. Matt accepted this invitation and came over.

"Welcome to my house, Mr. DeAlto." Ynot said, as he opened the door to the shack that he called home.

"Hello, Mr. Joribel. You can call me Matt, though. Can I call you Ynot? It's easier." Matt said to his new friend as he walked inside.

"Sure." Ynot said as they sat down together at a small table. "So, what do you want to discuss on this fine morning?"

"I want to talk about the government's current situation here in Tonalonia." Matt replied. "I have a few plans on how our history can move in the right direction: short-term and long-term."

"Let me hear them. Short-term first, please." Ynot said. Matt took out a blank journal and got to work on writing down their conversation.

"In the short-term, Maddsolia must improve its relations with Tonalonia. Cooperation is the first thing needed in order to change history. Also, both countries should stop covering up the past. We must learn from the past in order to stop history from repeating itself." Matt asserted.

"And how must we do that?" Ynot asked. "It's a great plan, but it's too broad."

"We'll improve relations through better economic and military cooperation. Also, we'll give Tonalonians more representation. To finish off, the education systems in both of these countries should include an accurate history curriculum." Matt answered. "It'll probably take a few years, but that's nothing compared to how long T7Z90's civilizations will exist."

"Good point. Can you tell me about your long-term plan?" Ynot said.

"Sure." Matt responded. "In order to save the rest of T7Z90 from the dangerous powers in the east-" Matt said, getting cut off by his friend.

"What dangerous powers in the east?" Ynot asked.

"MCPS Empire, a longtime enemy, and the Second Algebraic Kingdom, which just took over Vincentore." Matt answered.

"Oh. Go on." Ynot said.

"In the long-term, I'm looking for a revamp of Maddsolia's government, to allow the eventual unification of Maddsolia and Tonalonia." Matt spoke. "This decision will make us become a large world power, and stick to MCPS Empire's fellow enemy, Acadiemn better. Our union shall be called the Altonic Union and will be the best T7Z90 civilization since the days of the Chris-Krist tribes. Then, we shall work on colonizing territory on Earth."

"Good plan." Ynot said. "I've worked with many Tonalonian historians who've covered the Tonalonian colonization of Mars. I can use the formation, timeline, and independence of the former colony, Marclaiterton, as a blueprint for how it'll go. But that's something to discuss another time, as this meeting has ended." Ynot added.

They said their goodbyes and Matt headed home. It was time for him to prepare for his campaign. When he got home, he went on his computer and bought some customized signs and other campaign merchandise. Check. He wrote some speeches and such. Check. He gathered some people to help campaign with him, running for the Maddsolian (Independent) Salmon Party.

It was now in the late summer of 2015, around a year before the next presidential election. There wasn't much for Matt to do now, so he spent the next few months volunteering for various organizations and attending government events. His preparation felt a bit cramped: it was all work and no play. He didn't have time to enjoy life as much, but he was dedicated to his craft. He had to do this for his past life, he had to reform Maddsolia to avenge his past life. He had to mold the country into what she wanted.

Several months later, the election season was approaching. It was early summer of 2016, a couple months before the election. Matt started campaigning anywhere and everywhere in Maddsolia. He was desperate: he just whipped up this campaign in no time. Nonetheless, he went on his way and campaigned in many places. He gained enough support, and all seemed to be going well. His campaigning ordeal was over, and it was time for him to win.

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