Away From the Homeland, Past the Stars

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It was November 27th, 2017, and the TISS was busy once again. Several spacecrafts were recently launched to the TISS, preparing for the sacred mission. The MCPS Empire had launched a rocket a day ago, so several combat aircraft were launched to the TISS to counter it. Despite being an important government mission, Matt DeAlto wasn't allowed to directly participate in these launches. He'd eventually be arriving on Earth, but for now it was his job to stay on the ground and hope the astronauts were okay.

However, Matt would participate in the sense that he and other leaders would supervise this operation. Him and various nations' and organizations' leaders met at the DeJoris Space Center, a spaceport off the east coast of Maddsolia. This launch was a shuttle launch to the TISS, which would eventually dock there, and the crew would enter the TISS. Then, once all preparations were finished, the new crew would board the shuttle. Next, it would take off towards Earth, and would hopefully arrive there.

"This is it." Tom Crawnmiller, NSL president, said as the countdown was about to begin.

"In just a few hours, the rocket will arrive at the TISS." DeAlto responded.

"The rocket will then have its new crew and will start its path towards Earth." Joribel added.

"History will be made." The Acadiemni leader said.

"Well, that's for sure." Crawnmiller said with a nervous chuckle.

The fellows shushed each other as the countdown was beginning. They watched a livestream from nearby Mission Control and saw the rocket preparing for launch. All systems were go, as to be expected, and the countdown began. Some tears were shed at this emotional time, but the group watched on.

"The countdown has begun." An announcer at Mission Control said.

"T-Minus ten... nine... eight..." The announcer started as the suspense grew.

"Seven... six... five... four..." The announcer continued, with suspense growing further.

"Three... two... one..." The announcer ended as people waited.

"Liftoff! We have liftoff!" The announcer shouted and the whole space center cheered.

The launch was successful, and the shuttle reached the TISS several hours later. It was now midnight on November 28th, and the workers on the TISS were asleep. Dawn soon arrived, and the morning rush began. While some astronauts boarded the shuttle to Earth, others boarded various combat spacecraft. MCPS Empire's rocket started heading towards the TISS, and the combat spacecraft exited the station's docks. The shuttle left shortly after, initiating its journey towards Earth. It was time.

The combat spacecraft attacked the MCPSsian rocket by releasing remote-control combat satellites which crashed into the rocket and caused damage. Surprisingly, the rocket remained intact, but the combat pilots caught on and drove more satellites into the rocket, hitting the fuel tank and disabling it. Further damage was dealt, and the rival rocket was blown to bits. After destroying the MCPSsian rocket, the pilots headed back to the station. Some stayed there, whilst others left to come to Earth to provide manpower.

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