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It was late August, and the election results came in. Matt had won the presidential election and he was ecstatic, of course. The inauguration would soon be held in early September, and he couldn't wait. If he could time travel and tell his parents, they wouldn't have ever believed him. But he did, he won. And his plan would be carried out, no matter what.

Inauguration day arrived and Matt was ready. He had spent weeks, months, even years on this speech. He arrived at the Capital and went into the auditorium. After being welcomed by what seemed like millions of people, and participating in absurd amounts of involuntary handshakes, he made it up to the podium. He was extremely nervous despite preparing for this all his life. His face and hands sweated profusely as he took the microphone to echo the first word.

"I want to thank all of you for gathering here today. I want to thank my fellow Maddsolians for doing their civic duty of voting. Anyway, I'm pleased to be your president." Matt said, kicking off his inauguration speech.

"Maddsolia needs to change: it needs a new government. Bigger, better, stronger. We need to improve our education. We need to improve our relations with neighboring countries and our allies. Why do you think that is?" Matt said, prompting many audience members to raise their hands.

"We need to do it for the future!" An audience member shouted.

"Correct!" Matt yelled. "If we don't change, the future is bleak! Don't worry about that, though. change WILL happen. Whether you like it or not."

A while later, the main inauguration ceremony ended and it was time for refreshments, conversations, interviews, and the rush of news stations. Matt attempted to leave the premise and go home, but that wasn't happening. A horde of several people were calling at him from across the room.

"Mr. President! Mr. President! Mr. President!" The crowd shouted as they ran to talk to him.

"Oh boy." Matt said under his breath. The endless talking with random people and draining social interactions was inevitable.

After an eternity, the after-party ended, and Matt headed to his new home: the Presidential Manor. He was going to live there for his term of eight years, or more, but he decided not to sell his house on the outskirts of Maddsolia. He phoned up Ynot Joribel and told him the news. Unsurprisingly, Ynot was excited and proud, and a bit envious. The next Tonalonian "election" was to be held soon, and Ynot was starting his campaign.

Matt tended to his presidential duties, and work was quiet for a few months. But that was soon to change as the tensions escalated between Maddsolia and MCPS Empire. The MCPSsian Imperial Government was mad that Maddsolia didn't let their scientists use the TISS (T7Z90 International Space Station), and was mad for a variety of other reasons as usual.


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