Breaking Tradition

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"All spectators of today's OWNS (Organization of Worldwide Nation States) meeting please make your way towards the meeting room." The intercom said.

"So, this is it. OWNS's first meeting since I came around. It's weird though, since it's only our two countries here. Usually all countries are here." DeAlto said to Joribel, initiating some small talk to ease the anxiety.

"It's also weird how this meeting place is in unincorporated land, technically we're in no sovereign nation's territory right now." Joribel said with a chuckle.

"Yeah." Matt said, drinking water from his mug.

"It is now time to initiate this meeting." The intercom sounded. "Spectators, remember to remain quiet and take notes until the meeting has ended. Q&A sessions will be held afterwards."

"This morning, we're welcomed by newly elected Maddsolian president, Matt DeAlto, and newly 'elected' Tonalonian president, Ynot Joribel." A director said after stepping on stage. "The current issue is the issue of all issues: the future."

"Our mission is to protect the future and learn from the past." Joribel spoke.

"Through the change to our governments and revamp of our education systems. That's how we'll make it happen." DeAlto added. "Time and time again, countries have been at war. Whether it's a civil war, a world war, a cold war, it all ends in disaster. And that's why Maddsolians and Tonalonians are together in this room today: to stop the conflict."

"T7Z90's future is in the hands of us and our allies. The dangerous powers in the east want to take over our planet and possibly our future colonies on Earth. We won't allow that to happen, MCPS Empire and the Second Algebraic Kingdom need to be stopped." Joribel said. "And it starts with the younger generations."

"The young generations are the beacon of hope for the future. Us older generations must educate them." DeAlto asserted. "We must instill essential values on the current and future students here. It's time to revise our ways, as physical change can only happen with mental change. Believe in yourselves, or don't believe at all."

"So, what'll be the steps to achieve your countries' goals?" The director asked the two speakers.

"Tonalonia's goal is to continue developing itself while preserving its past. Also, we must improve political relations with Maddsolia." Joribel answered. " Our Infrastructure will be improved. Then, all Tonalonian schools will be taught their history in order to preserve their culture, such as their dying language for example. Maddsolia and Tonalonia, the twin nations, will be close like they were before."

"Maddsolia's plan is similar." DeAlto said. "First, we need to stop sugarcoating our history. We need to teach it as it is, its raw and pure self. Next, we'll ensure that the younger generations are equipped for the future. Then, we'll improve our relations with Tonalonia and revamp our government."

"We may be on a budget, but the money will come easily." Joribel added. "If we redirect our countries' funding, then surely we can save enough money for the initiatives and plans we've made."

"And why must you do this, again?" The director asked.

"We must take action to preserve T7Z90's history and protect its future. Tonalonian culture is worth preserving, along with former countries' cultures like GeometryLandish and Vincentorean." Joribel responded.

"Protecting our future is necessary." DeAlto said. "The dangerous powers in the East have been plotting plans against us. The future's growing bleaker as time passes on."

"A colonization of Earth is a possible solution to prevent the Eastern Powers taking all Maddsolian, Tonalonian, and Acadiemni territories, along with the unincorporated land between us." Joribel said. "MCPS Empire has just gained a new ally, the Second Algebraic Kingdom. Both are planning to take over all of T7Z90 and potential colonies on Earth or other planets."

"Maddsolia will be sure to help, of course." DeAlto said. "Tonalonia's former civilization has some experience with colonization. Mr. Joribel, would you care to provide some details and advice?"

"Yes. My former country, Empire of Tonalonia, colonized territory on Mars several centuries ago." Joribel responded. "It was known as Marclaiterton. Its name comes from Tonalonian words 'Clai'terak Martia'Tonaloniak,' meaning 'Tonalonian Martian Territory.' It's now known as the Grand Duchy of Biolzenky, I've heard."

"Now enough of that rambling." Joribel asserted. "Despite our colony having declared independence a while ago, and us having control over it for only a century, it's taught our country many valuable lessons. It's also taught us how to colonize again in the future."

"Yes, yes. Maybe GeometryLand should've done that." DeAlto snickered. "I'm getting really off-topic."

"Come on, crazy people! This meeting isn't going on indefinitely, get back on track!" The director shouted at the two gentlemen.

"What you need to do is take it by force. When you find an opportunity, go for it." Joribel drilled. "Establish the colony and don't distract your country with other ordeals. If your nation is struggling, then colonization isn't your top priority now. Stabilize your country, make it prosper and improve its international relations. And then you can colonize."

"Well said, Mr. Joribel." The director said. "When will Maddsolia and Tonalonia start colonizing Earth?"

"Preferably as soon as possible." DeAlto answered. "Maddsolia wastes no time."

"Whenever we can." Joribel added. "Tonalonia starts when Tonalonia starts."

"And the takeaway from this meeting is..." The director spoke, waiting for the speakers to add to his statement.

"Don't wait for the right opportunity: create it." Both leaders said in unison. The director walked off the stage now that the meeting was over.

"Today's OWNS meeting has officially ended. Spectators, you may now participate in Q&A, or go home." The intercom sounded. "News companies and interviewers just arriving at the building, you may now provide coverage and interviews."

"Hey, Matt! Legend has it that Earth's number of years is two centuries ahead of us. Isn't that cool?" Joribel whispered to DeAlto.   

"Yeah, yeah." DeAlto whispered, shushing him. "Don't bother me with this talking, we have our own separate duties to tend to."

They said their goodbyes and were given the all-clear to resume their tasks. Matt was lucky that there were no hordes of random people talking to him this time and left the building to go home. The OWNS enclave he was in had an airport, but it was closed and yet to open the next morning. He wandered around until he saw a small unincorporated place a while southwest of MCPS Empire's border.

Surprisingly, there were people there. Matt was somehow able to book a ticket for a flight that was to board soon today, even though he just arrived. He took this as a sign of good luck, and eventually boarded it. Three other guests were on the plane to Maddsolia with him, and the plane took off. Despite some turbulence and close calls, the plane landed in Maddsolia and Matt went back to his manor.

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