Chapter 9

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"So will you please explain what happened earlier?" Jisung asked as he brushed past Seungmin sprawled out on the bed. The room had been filled with silence since they all reunited in the living space. Felix sitting in the corner of the room charging his phone since there didn't seem to be any other outlet accessible, listening while he waited for his screen to turn back on.

"Ugh, I don't know honestly. The bus left without me and then the next thing I knew Hyunjin was behind me smirking like he was plotting this the entire time. He's always gotta be so annoying for no reason. He gets me so agitated and I can't seem to get away from him for the life of me." Seungmin ranted, pushing his body into a sitting position to look around the room in distress.

"Well you know he's doing it on purpose, right? He knows he can get under your skin and he's a troubled teenage boy that has nothing else better to do." Felix piped up, having something of a similar experience himself.

"I agree," Jisung nodded as he shoved the last piece of clothing into his bloated bag.

"Yeah, but that doesn't explain why he bothers me so much. I've had plenty of people try things on me and it normally doesn't affect me so what makes him different?" Seungmin rambled, taking his glasses off to rub the small blurry spots with his t-shirt.

"We don't have a answer to that Seung, like you said, it's not something that normally fazes you so maybe this is something for you to figure out yourself. Think about why he upsets you and try to rationalize it. Of course, me and Felix will be here if you have questions or need support but remember we don't always have the answers, sometimes you have to do things yourself." Jisung said as he found a spot next to Seungmin on the mattress, watching the brunette as he settled the framed glass back on the bridge of his nose with a few blinks to adjust his eyesight.

"You're right, thanks for the advice," Seungmin muttered in defeat, standing to his feet and made his way to the pull-out he slept on the night previous. "I'm gonna lay down for the night, see you in the morning," Seungmin informed before settling himself under his thin blanket, finding a comfortable position on his side facing the wall before taking his glasses off for the night.

For a while, Seungmim stared at the wall. He wasn't sure how long but considering Felix and Jisung had finished packing and laid down for the night already, it had been awhile. Seungmin just couldn't shut his brain off, couldn't dismiss the thoughts and ideas that popped up in his head.

Ever since he laid down he couldn't stop thinking about what Jisung said, which led to him thinking about Hyunjin a lot more than he would like. In the end, there was no stopping his rapid thoughts, he got started on something and he won't be able to rest until he knows why this was happening to him.

Maybe it's because he's the new guy. Nah, we've had plenty of new people and I've liked them all.

Maybe it's because of how he acted at the store when I first talked to him. Well he didn't really do anything to really set me off besides be persistent which only annoyed me for the time being.

Maybe it's because of his confident demeanor. I mean there is plenty of cocky people at my school, what makes him different?

Maybe it's because he keeps managing to follow me around and I'm just not used to the attention. Pfft, I've had plenty of people (mostly girls) give me attention, it's nothing I'm not used to.

Maybe it's because he's really handsome, maybe I'm just jealous he's getting the attention I used to get. I mean who wouldn't, he's hot.

Maybe I'm just insecure.

Maybe I don't like the confusion he gives me.

Maybe it's because of the odd way he makes me feel.

Seungmin questioned himself, still not able to pinpoint the main cause of his distress. The brunette groaned in frustration, his body flattening itself onto his back as his hands pulled at the skin on his face. His mind wide awake while all Seungmin wanted to do after a day like this was sleep soundly.

Seungmin rubbed his eyes, shoving his body into a sitting position as he kicked his feet out of the covers and onto the floor. Seungmin stood and shut himself into the bathroom, grabbing himself a cup of water before checking the dreaded time on his wrist.


A long drawn sigh escaped his lungs as he set the cup down and looked at himself in the dirty mirror. His droopy eyes and dry lips proving that he has been up longer than his body normally is. His hair messy from all the tossing and turning he has done in the past few hours.

Seungmin departed from the restroom and laid back down, closing his eyes as he relaxed his body.

He wasn't sure why Hyunjin bothered him yet but he felt he was close and that only time would give him his answers.

And so his mind finally let him rest.

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