Train conundrum - T.R

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I noticed that most of you were skipping the Tom Riddle imagines and sticking to Mattheo, which is completely fine because who can blame you he's ridiculously hot but I would really appreciate it if you could read the Tom Riddle versions as well because I put in a lot of effort for this and the Tom ones are pretty special to me, anyways I hope you enjoy this <3

"Up my y/n" were the words said by your infamous boyfriend Tom Riddle. The Slytherin, the master mind,the murder that everyone feared. You both were on the Hogwarts train on your way back to Hogwarts. You were on your knees being a good girl for the person you loved the most, he patted the seat next to him and you instantly got off your knees which you wouldn't like to admit were starting to hurt. As you were sitting next to Tom you remembered that all while you were on your knees he was reading a book not giving you much attention, you knew Tom was never a one for moans or sounds he never showed his pleasure in his face, he never gave up on his tough exterior or his interior which was ice cold and firm but you still loved him and you knew he loved you back in a Tom Riddle sorta way.

Since you had a lot of time in your hands you decided to check out the private train compartment you were in, as soon as you tried to get up Tom put his hand on your thigh which was exposed and a whimper left your lips as his rings were ice cold, from the corner of your eyes you could see Tom smirking to himself.

You decided it was just better to sit where you were and not irritate him, which was something no one ever wished for but well maybe except for you. You loved annoying him sometimes but that usually only happens when you're brave and today wasn't it.

As you were playing with your fingers, you looked up to see your boyfriend, who was sitting so perfectly with his leg above the other. His slender,veiny hands with his deadly but breath taking ring that stood out, his alluring black suit that hugged him perfectly showing off his sculpted muscles and torso, you hadn't noticed but you were starting to get turned on, as your eyes drifted up to look at his face you were starting to get butterflies in your stomach from the way his soft curls fell on his delicate yet rough face, his eyes which were so sharp and precise almost like he always knew everyone's secrets and thoughts and his soft lips which you yearned for. As you were staring at the man in front of you, your boyfriend you realised how important he was to you,how much he meant to you and how handsome he was, he was truly mesmerising.
Tom Riddle was prepossessing.

As you were busy daydreaming about your boyfriend you hadn't noticed he was eyeing what you were doing the whole time and was secretly feeling smug over how he had you wrapped around his fingers. He could very well tell you were turned on and starting to get wet and decided that it was enough torture, well sorta of he wouldn't be Tom Riddle himself if he didn't tease and torture until your breaking point.

He patted his leg and with his deep and rich voice he simply said "Come." Which sounded like it was coated with poison like something you would drink up even if it was deadly but you knew Tom would never hurt you because even if he'd never admit it,you were the only thing he had in his life that he loved.
As you got up you hadn't realised the pool you could feel between your legs so you slowly walked over and sat on his leg hoping he couldn't tell what he was doing to you but one part of you knew he could tell exactly what he was doing to you.

"Love, you comfortable?" He said with a very obvious half-grin and half-smirk on his face, you breathlessly said "ye-yes" he positioned you his leg better and you didn't think you could take it anymore but immediately after he picked up his book and continued reading like you weren't dying for his touch,for his attention, for him.

He held his one hand on your back and the other on the book. You knew better than to disobey Tom so you sat patiently all while suffering silently, after 5 painful minutes he slowly started to bounce his leg up and down and you couldn't hold it back as moans left your mouth but he immediately stopped saying "quiet y/n. Now we wouldn't want anyone to know how desperate you are for me, would we?" You managed to mutter back "no daddy." Earning a "Good girl." From him. He continued bouncing his leg but this time faster and you clawed his suit while biting his shoulder, you wanted to yell his name but you wanted to stay quiet for him. He stopped again and this time he started grinding you on him, you were sure you could see the stars form how overstimulated you were and you were about to moan really loud when he smashed his lips to yours and that had done it for you, you had melted and was a play thing for him, while you were stuck in this daze he had started to finger you and in less than two minutes you came. You practically fell on him and clung to him for support. He held you close and ran his fingers along your hair and went back to his book.

He never showed love but it was these little gestures that he did like holding you close and letting you sleep on him the entire train ride that showed he truly did care about you and you smiled knowing this and happily continued to sleep knowing you were completely and utterly safe as long as you were with Tom Riddle. The love of your life.

If you guys enjoyed this please vote and if you want other versions with other Slytherins please do tell by commenting and to the person who voted my previous ones thank you so much!

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