Rough - part 2

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A few of you wanted a part 2 for this is so I hope you like it. And please feel free to leave comments and vote if you like it

"Darling are you alright?" Draco asked as he got off you and laid next to you. You were still out of breath from your fun afternoon "mhm yes Draco, I'm fine, it was actually incredible." You said smiling and breathless and moved next to him to cuddle.
Draco chuckled and kissed your forehead saying "oh darling you are not helping my ego, but who can argue? We all know I'm incredible." You hit his chest playfully and said "sure,sure". As Draco looked over to the clock, your smile dropped you knew he had to leave soon and it always hurt you to see him leave.

Draco knew you hated to see him leave but he had to go because of Lucius. As you were both cuddled together, you soon slept off and Draco slithered himself from you and kissed you goodbye, before he left his dorm he placed a small note on his nightstand so that when you woke up you could read it and to make you feel better he also bought you chocolates.

As he headed for the train he felt a bit of uneasy something about leaving you this time really bothered him, after all you were his precious girlfriend that he would kill anyone for. You his one and only true prized possession. From the way you could always brighten his day to always being there for him when had tough days. He loved you every dearly even though he expressed it differently. Draco was never one for sweet conversations, he always expressed his love for you in gifts or ways of discretion, where he would secretly carry an extra hair tie with him or always having snacks on him because he knew you would always feel hungry.

He decided that he wanted you to come with him, Draco wanted you to spend time with him in the Malfoy Manor, a place he always hoped would become your future home once you become Mrs Malfoy. As he rushed into your dorm, barging the door he startled you from your sleep "Draco?! Wha-what are you doing?!?" You said breathless and still shocked. "Oh darling I didn't mean to scare you, I want you to come with me, I want you to spend time with my family." If you were shocked before you were now sure you would end up in a coma, Draco had never brought up his family much and the fact that he wanted you spend time in his home had you in disbelief.

"But Draco I don't have anything packed and I'm sure your parents want me barging into their house and plus all my classes...I'll have to seem them all and need someone to take all the notes I-I...." You were very clearly overthinking this and not because you actually cared about the school notes but because you had heard about what Draco's father was like and that if Draco was rough he was worse to people he didn't care for.
"Okay,okay y/n calm down don't worry I have it all under control. I made a few calls and made sure all your bags would be safely packed and be arrived just in time."

You took a deep breath and smiled and said "okay! I'm excited to come but still a little nervous." Draco chuckled and said "that's my girl." And kissed your forehead. You definitely noticed his overload of affection this entire day but oh well you enjoyed it because it was rare for Draco to be like this so you both held hands together and ran to the personal carriage Draco had arranged for you both, it was a pretty chilly afternoon and he covered you up with a blanket in the carriage and read to you in hopes that you would fall asleep, like expected you were fast asleep in Draco Malfoy's lap, his expensive suit and intoxicating scent made you feel safe.

It was pretty late when you both had arrived and Draco had woken you up, but you could definitely see the way the shine in his eyes had died down, you knew he was distant to his father , you tried to comfort him but Draco being himself rejected any help and comfort offered "no y/n I'm completely fine. Nothing for you to be worried about, I'm not a child after all, now stop with the pity and make sure you have everything ready before we leave the carriage." His old cold tone had come back but you were never hurt or annoyed by it because you that was how Draco and it made you smile because it had reminded you of how you both had fallen in love with each other as enemies.

As you got you were met with what you were expected a cold gloomy castle, but you loved it. As a Slytherin you loved these types of castles and buildings. You were immediately greeted by the house servants who took off your coat and carried all your stuff inside. Once inside you were greeted by Draco's mother, a woman you respected very much from the way Draco had talked about her, and you had to agree she has beautiful, confident and strong woman who also knew when to be gentle.
She smiled at you and talked to you in a manner a mother would and your heart felt warm for a moment and you felt safe with her, just like you had with her son.
Narcissa opened up her arms for her sweet son and had eyes filled with pride, she was so proud of her son. She could see why he loved his mother so much.

Lucius was late for dinner as he had some meeting to attend to but the house felt warmer and loved when it us just filled with Draco and Narcissa. As Lucius arrived at the table we all stood up and greeted him, he offered me nothing but a nonchalant nod of the head and said "y/n, nice to finally meet you, hope you enjoy your stay here." And ended his conversation with me there, you didn't expect much from him so you didn't mind. Draco and him talked a bit about Hogwarts and had polite conversation, not many expressions shared by them. As the dinner had come to an end, Lucius had rushed off with Narcissa, it was pretty obvious something important had happened at the meeting that they needed to discuss.

Draco took your hand and took you to your room and told how you both couldn't sleep in the same room as per his father's orders, you were a bit disappointed as this was a scary new place and Draco noticed immediately "don't worry darling, you won't be sleeping in your room anyways and neither will you be sleeping at all." He winked and smirked at you, you laughed and hit his shoulder playfully. "Y/n come with I wanna show you something, it's a lake we have. It's beautiful at night, how about we have a bit of?" You blushed and said "sure Draco, I would love to do anything with you." And with that you both ran together hand in hand to the black lake that looked like it was born form a fairy tale.

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