Angel - T.N

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Sorry I took so long to post a story I was really busy but enjoy and don't forget to vote if you liked this imagine <3
(Story requested by @viviwolf10)

"Y/n aren't you done yet? You know we're supposed to reach before the party ends right?" That was your friend and dorm mate, Pansy. Yelling at you to finish getting ready as you were both going to a Slytherin party held by the Riddle brothers. You were still busy perfecting your makeup, making sure that everything was perfect and Pansy noticed this and said smirking "why are you taking so long? Is it to impress your boyfriend, Theo?"  You rolled your eyes and tried not to show the real blush underneath your makeup "you know we're just best friends, there's nothing there" you tried to lie but it was so obvious you had a crush on him "plus it's not like he has any feelings for me." Pansy tried her best to control her laughter "oh please it's so obvious to everyone but you both that you like each other and it didn't seem that way yesterday when he couldn't stop staring at you when you wore that mini skirt."Alright my makeup is done let's go..hurry up." "Sure, sure change the topic immediately smart thinking y/n."

As you headed down the stairs to the party you could feel all eyes on you but in your mind you only wanted a pair of intoxicating green eyes on you. Your mind subconsciously started looking for his and as you both locked eyes it felt as tho the world had stopped spinning for a moment but you knew he would never do anything about it, he would never confess his feelings to you, that you would always remain his best friend, the girl he always found comfort in, the girl that was his first friend in Hogwarts.

I decided to go get a drink and as I pour in my drink I see Josh standing next to me grinning, "hey there y/n, looking stunning as always." You blush and say thank you, you knew that Josh had been flirting with you for the past few weeks but you never flirted back because one part of you always believed you and Theo would be together but after years of nothing happening you decided to give Josh a shot, after all he was cute and and the perfect amount of nice and funny. One of your favourite things about him was that he teased you a lot but never in a way that would hurt you, this particular feature was also there in someone special, who was too busy drinking and smoking with his friends.

You took your drink in your hand and pulled Josh in to the dance floor "wanna dance?" You asked smiling "oh you know it sweetheart" said Josh while smirking at you. You both started dancing together and you could feel Theo's eyes at you at all times. After a few rounds of dancing you felt tired and decided to crash on the couch while Josh went to go get you a drink.

Theodore decides to follow him as he had a bad feeling about Josh something about him ticks him off but then again any guy who touches you irritates Theo. As he reaches the table he notices Josh slip something in the drink that he was going to give you. Theodore immediately notices and doesn't think for a second before he blows a punch to josh's face, which knocks him to the ground, he gets on top of him and punches him again and again until he's left with a broken nose and bloodied face, you came running through to see the fight and watched as everyone kept cheering "Theodore Nott! Theodore Nott!" After a while you started getting a bit concerned for Josh as it seemed as though he had passed out, it was only then Theo's friends pulled him away. Allowing Josh to breathe properly.
"Stay the fuck away from her, if you ever come close to her again and I won't hesitate to kill."

You quickly came to Theo's side and made sure he was okay. You yelled out "okay nothing to see here, the fight is over. Continue partying people." One part of you was relieved that Tom Riddle wasn't around to see this fight cause you knew that Josh would have been dead by now for causing a fight that could lose his prefect badge. You guided Theo to your dorm as he was covered with Josh's blood and his knuckles were bruised from punching Josh so much.

You sat him down on your bed and made sure he was sitting up straight as he kept falling onto the bed from how drunk he was. As you went to go get the bandages you started thinking about how sweet it was of him to defend you and make sure you were okay but on the other hand you were upset at him for starting such a huge fight that could have him suspended. "Look Theo I'm so grateful and honoured about what you did for me but you  were being so childish starting such a huge fight, I don't want you to get in trouble because of me. Next time be more responsible and act like a grown up, you have so much blood on you, I hope these bandages will be enough, hello? Are you even paying attention to me?" The whole time you were lecturing him, he was just looking at your face and smiling like an idiot.

As you finished bandaging his hands he suddenly stood up, causing you to forget how tall he was compared to you. As he was towering over you, you both held a magnetic gaze that had you speechless and within a flash of your eyes his lips were on yours, his soft and perfect lips on yours, you had been dreaming about for years, the kiss was so unbelievable that you were pretty sure you had blacked out for a few seconds.

As you both broke apart he headed for the door from feeling overwhelmed that he had kissed you. You knew he was really drunk and probably wouldn't remember this kiss. from your bed to the door he had stumbled multiple times and it had you wondering if he would even be able to reach his dorm. "Theodore, do you umm want to sleep in my room? I mean it's your choice...I just don't want you to get in trouble is all."
Theo smirked and said "sure Angel whatever you say." Angel huh he had never used that nickname before for you.

It was the next morning and Theodore was sleeping on the floor insisting that he was a true gentleman, that speech went on for about 20 minutes and most of it was just him stuttering and trying to remember what he was saying so you gave up and just let him sleep there. As you woke up you realised that Theo was already up and ready, it made your heart sink knowing that he probably forgot about the kiss, you wanted to ask him so bad about the kiss but you lost your courage half way through "Theo, do you remember anything that happened last night?" He gave you a confused look "what happened last night y/n?" "Oh nothing Theo just forget it." You tried to muster up your best smile thinking that your first kiss with Theodore Nott meant nothing. "Bye Theo."

"Bye Angel" Angel? There's no way he could have done that on accident. "oh and I never forget anything that happens between us, meet me for coffee in an hour, I wanna show you what a really sober Theodore Nott kiss is like Angel" he winked and left your room leaving you speechless.

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