- ! protective

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! how haikyuu protect you in public !

includes : sakusa , ushijima , bokuto

sakusa : first no idea how his (s/o) gets him out in public willingly so most of the time it probably be for things like school or volleyball , quite protective of them because he's scared people will infect them with germs , if in the metro, or something like that , he would pull his (s/o) closer to him to avoid other people touching them and glare at whoever comes close. trust me no ones going to be coming near his (s/o) anytime soon with him next to them .

ushijima : would be clueless most of the time but still if he was walking his (s/o) home back late or something he would wrap his arm around their waist and pull them closer to his body. would walk his (s/o) all the way to their door to make sure their ok ( love a responsible king ). don't think anybody would try and hit on his (s/o) while he was there, one look and they would run.

bokuto : super protective, literally the perfect man . oh your cold ,here's his jacket. your scared, he'll hold your hand and comfort you. your sad, here's a hug (can you tell that im like no.1 bokuto simp yet). anyone comes within a 5 meters radius of his (s/o) will get a whole interrogation of why they're so near to them. at the same time he won't to it to the point its toxic or anything, he does it cause he cares for his (s/o). 

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