Chapter 5

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Damian's POV

We were at the North Pole waiting for the hero to arrive with her family and mother as the Nation Leaders talked to the Justice League. I stood next to Jon and my brothers and our teams looking at the transfer device that saved the world. It was impressive to say the least then a boy who looks like me but with blue eyes and younger walked around us, he was wearing a black and white suit with a neon green tie. The Fenton's, the two teens and mother walked in but no Phantom and the boy walked over to them and hugged everyone as mother hugged him and held his hand like he was her son. I glared as my mother looked around and saw me then looked to see father also watching her, she smiled kindly at us then continued to walk around with the boy holding her hand.

Suddenly the president of the Nation Leaders walked onto stage and grabbed everyone's attention, I noticed that his eyes were red as I know his eyes are normally brown. I looked around and saw that some people looked to be in a trans like state and looked at my mother and saw her looking around confused as to what was happening.

"Now to begin the celebration let us give a warm welcome to the opening act, Amber McClain." He said as everyone clapped as a girl with brown hair that was in a ponytail, green eyes, a black to blue ombre dress with black platforms.

Sing along when you hear my melody
Joining voices, that is the key
For us to be in harmony
So come on now and sing with meeeeeeeeee!

Everyone but heros:

The people who looked hypnotized started to sing with the girl and every hero looked around confused as to what was happening.



Everyone but heros:

Suddenly Mrs. Fenton and Mr. Fenton got on stage and we all just looked at her confused as well as the teens.

Everyone is having fun
Just look around

Come on and loosen up

Jackie and Matthew:
Let out that sound!

The boy who looks like me but with blue eyes let go of my mother's hand and flew onto stage and father looked at him in shock.

When in doubt follow Amber's lead
A little rhythm and melody...

Jackie, Matthew, and Danny:
Is all that you neeeeeeeeeed!

The teen in the yellow dress got on stage and sung really badly and we all looked worried.

If your voice is off key and you don't have a clue

Just sing it real loud and act like you do!
We sound better together, it's true!
Sing along when you hear my melody
Joining voices, that is the key
For us to be in harmony
So come on now and sing with meeeeeeeeee!

The dark skinned teen then jumped on stage ang began to rap/sing as well and he was actually not bad.

Hey nation friends, what's going down?
I sing and I dance but I'm never your clown!

Why sing alone when you can sing it together?
Come sing my song and we can sing it forever!

Everyone but heroes:
So come on now and sing with me
Joining voices, that is the key
For us to be in harmony
So come on now and sing with meeeeeeeeee!
Sing with meeeeeeeeee!
Sing with meeeeeeeeee!
Sing with meeeeeeeeee!

Suddenly the teens and mother disappeared and I was confused as to what happened so it was time to get to the bottom of this.

Dani's POV

We made it to the venue when my ghost sense went off and I was already in my Phantom form so I turned to Sam as everyone walked away.

"I have to go, there is a ghost nearby and I don't want to fight them near the Nation Leaders." I said and he smiled then kissed me.

"Don't worry, if anyone asks then I will just say that you had an emergency to take care of and you will be here shortly." Sam said and I smiled then flew into the air as air blew around him making his hair blow. He walked inside and I flew around the area to find the ghost and saw the president of the United Nations Committee be hypnotized by a girl and I flew over invisible.

"Now go introduce me so I can do my things." The girl said and the president nodded and walked inside the venue and I recognized the voice, Ember.

"Ember, what are you doing here? You're supposed to be in the ghost zone." I said and turned visible as she turned to me shocked at what I was wearing and that I was even here.

"Well baby pop, you look nice, you joining in the celebration here at the North Pole?" Ember asked as she strummed her guitar softly as I glared at her.

"Thanks, and the celebration is for me so yeah that's why I'm here but I asked why you are here." I said again and she sighed then strummed a hard beat at me and I flew back with a grunt and dizzy as she came towards me.

"I am here to hypnotize everyone in that venue because I realized I started out small with your town. So when I heard that the Nation Leaders were gathering here for a celebration I thought, why not?" She said and I grunted as I heard the name Amber McClain I knew it was here being called. "Well I would love to stay and chat but I have things to do, so long dipstick."  She said and walked into the venue as I tried to catch my breath then turned intangible and watched as people fell under her spell.

I took out some Fenton phones and put them in my mother's, Sam's, Danny's, Tina's, Vincent's, and James' ears as they shook out of the spell. The song ended and I duplicated myself and grabbed my team plus my mother and flew them into the transfer device to explain the situation and come up with a plan.

The Half-Dead Queen's Twin (GB DP x DC Comics)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ