Chapter 6

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Sam's POV

I suddenly felt something go into my ears and my head got dizzy then I was grabbed and taken away from the venue. I was put down on the ground and turned around to see Dani and the team plus Talia and Danny along with five duplicates of my girlfriend. Dani called all of her duplicates back to her and they merged with her then she landed on the ground as everyone looked confused and dizzy.

"Okay, so Amber McClain is actually Ember McLain, very unoriginal if you ask me but that's besides the point, irrelevant. I have a plan and this is how it is going to go, James and Tina will come in through the back entrance..." Dani explained the rest of the plan as we all got into our ghost fighting uniforms. I wore a black muscle shirt with Dani's DP symbol on it, black jeans, a dark purple trench coat, white and neon green goggles on my head, wrist blaster, and black knee high boots. Tina wore a white tank top with a light blue quarter sleeve jacket with Dani's DP symbol on her left breast, dark blue caprese jeans, white tennis shoes, a multi colored beanie on her head, high tech glasses, and her backpack of tech. James wore a suit much like his dad's but instead of light blue it was dark blue with neon green assembly instead of black and black knee high boots. Vincent got into his red hunter outfit along with his hoverboard as Danny transformed in his own phantom form and Dani was able to use her powers to transform her dress into her uniform. Talia put on a black assassin uniform that showed her cleavage and put on wrist blasters on both wrists, a blaster on her hip, and a ecto-ranium sword strapped to her back.

Narrator's POV

James and Tina snuck in the venue through the back door and couldn't see Ember so they continued moving as they watched everyone act weird but the heroes who were talking to one another. James peeked out from beside the stage when Tina bumped into him since she was looking behind her in case Ember snuck up on them, James grunted as Tina bumped him and he looked at her.

"Sorry" Tina said timidly then they saw Jackie next to them as he began to sing.

Jackie: Amber, Amber, our queen of song
She's got a heart of gold and can do no wrong.
Ember: Oh, James and Tina, the two best friends
Come join my concert that never ends
Tina: We are best buddies, that's for sure.
James: Sorry about this, best buddy

James said as he poked Tina with the tip of his dagger and she yelped as she snapped out of Ember's control.

Ember: Joining voices, that is the key.
For us to be in harmony
So, come on now and sing with me

James: We can't hear you!

James yelled as he grabbed Tina and ran out of the building as the heroes watch trying to peace all of this together but some became under Ember's control as time went by. James and Tina made it back to Dani and everyone and explained that they failed and Dani was trying to be a great leader by coming up with another plan.

"Okay, plan B. Vincent and Sam can try going in under the cover of invisibility." Dani explained as Sam got onto Vincent's hoverboard and Vincent activated his invisibility and intangibly tech then headed to the venue. They made it in and saw everyone partying except for the bat family at this point, Vincent tied a rope around his waist then handed one end to Sam.

"There she is. I'll just slide down right beside her real quietly." Vincent explained as they hovered above Amber who was still playing her guitar. Vincent started to slide down but then he hit someone invisible as his invisibility wore off from the hit. "What the?" Vincent asked himself as he looked to see who he hit and it was Martin Manhunter.

"Hello?" Martin Manhunter asked the boy as all the heroes under Ember's control started to sing to them

Wonder women, Black Canary and Hawkgirk: Amber, Amber. Beloved Songstress

Martin Manhunter: As singers go, you are so the best-est.

Everyone but bat family: Amber, Amber the joy she's bringing
Just as long as you can keep on singing

Amber: Joining voices, that is the key
For us to be in harmony
So, come on now and sing with me

Ember sang to them and Vincent started to fall under her control until Sam grabbed his waist.

"Nope, not gonna happen." Sam said as he guided them out and Ember glared as the bats watched, slowly becoming under her control. Sam and Vincent got back and told everyone the bad news and Dani was starting to lose confidence that she can be a leader to the ghost zone if she can't even lead her team.

"Don't worry, rescue plan C is really good. Danny and I will sneak in through the sky." Dani said they both took off into the sky into the clouds and flew until they were stopped by Superman and Aquaman.

Superman and Aquaman: Amber, Amber, her voice we really love
We'll sing her songs forever, underwater or above.
Amber's the most wonderful leader of all.
Listen to her voice you can't resist her call

Dani and Danny flew down under the cloud bank and gasped as they saw Ember being held on a green platform made by Green Lantern.

Ember: Joining voices, that is the key
For us to be in harmony
So, come on now and sing with meeeeee!

Ember sang as Danny started to fall under her control but Dani saw and covered his ears with her hands. "Danny, no!" Dani said then flew away from them with Danny in her arms.

Ember: Meeeeee!

Dani landed near her team with Danny in her arms as he fell asleep and she looked at them all then shook her head sadly, she failed.

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