9...I need you to be my...

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In the car, Claire had stretched foward a familiar small bag which I guessed contained the black T-shirt she wore on the rainy day.

"Don't worry about it. You can keep it" I said casually.

"I made sure it's dry cleaned" she mentioned.

"Good for you" I replied.

She rolled her eyes. "Rich kids like you don't value things like this anyways"

"Last I checked I'm not a kid. I should be the one calling you a kid instead"

I have to keep my tongue in check, this is not the time to piss her off,but then it's still hard not to give replies to her sharp words.

"What do you mean 'rich kids like me' anyways?" I asked slowly.

"Never mind"

I frowned at her curt response. I kept my eyes on the windshield without uttering a word.

The car was as silent as a graveyard. Deep down I was nervous on how to start the conversation. This is Claire we're talking about here,not an ordinary girl I want for satisfaction of my sexual desires or something. This is the fierce Claire that could cut off my dick for an experiment if I piss her off.

The first time I saw her in this restaurant,she looked like a very fragile girl that could break down easily. When our gaze connected that day, she'd smiled at me like she saw her celebrity crush. A very bright smile that's hard to ignore and then I made a mistake of thinking I could easily have her.

I was wrong.

When she made her rude side visible to me, I made another mistake of thinking she'd come around and become nice to me soon.

I was very wrong.

I had showed her some parts of the 'real me' and that brought out the real sassy part of her.

"Are you still alive?" She asked loudly.

See what I'm talking about?

"Do I look dead?" I asked back.

"You didn't give signs of being alive" She fired back.

I frowned "And why would you say that?"

"You wanted to talk,and when it was time to actually talk,you suddenly went silent. For a sec, I thought this was a grave yard or maybe I'd just say a grave car"

"That shouldn't be the reason for you to assume I'm dead" I mumbled, facing her squarely.

"So what is it you really wanna talk about? I've been dying to know" she said folding her arms across her breast. For some seconds, that reminded me of the rainy day I saw her in a black bra. The image is still clear in my head and she would kill me if she knows that's what I have in my head right now.

"Ryan?" She called, looking confused. She stared at me speechlessly,her plump lips pouty. I stared back at her, taking in her facial features. Why are bad mouthed girls blessed with beauty?  "Are you okay?" She asked gently.

I shook my head to take her image off there. "Yeah, yeah" I answered smartly,like I wasn't just admiring her.

"Are you sure? You suddenly went quiet with a weird expression on your face" She said concernedly.

My poker face was back again. She shouldn't know what's on my mind, especially now. "I'm fine Claire" I feigned exasperation. "What was your question again?"

She sighed and shut her eyes tight before opening them. I do that sometimes when I'm praying for patience to deal with something or someone.

"Why am I here?" Her voice have gone hard now.

A Partner For The Rich Playboy {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now