39...Did we have sex?...

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The ruffling sound of the bedsheets told me Claire was awake, but I decided to look away from her or I'll be tempted to start laughing hysterically as the memories of yesterday keeps playing in my head over and over again.

"Oh my God" she whispered in a panicky tone. Did she think we had sex or what?

"Oh my, oh my, oh fuck!" She said loudly this time.

I continued to type on my laptop, still ignoring her.

"Ryan did we...did we uhm..." She paused.

I smiled to myself. I could imagine her biting her lip, looking all flushed.

"We're leaving for Chicago in two hours" I deadpanned. 

"Gosh your voice is so deep" she said and huffed. "I almost got scared"

Ten seconds passed "Wait did you just say WE ARE LEAVING FOR CHICAGO?"

I closed my laptop and finally turned to face her. My breath hitched in my throat as I came face to face with Claire's morning look. Her brown hair was all over her face, down to her bare shoulders and her dark blue eyes were clear, bold and fierce.

"In two hours?! Fucking two hours, Ryan?!" She yelled.

I shut my eyes briefly "Actually it's now one hour"

"One freaking hour!?" She screamed almost destroying my eardrums. Jesus.

I stood on my feet, packing up my laptop also to start preparing.

"I'm not going anywhere" She said firmly.

I halted my steps "Excuse me?"

"You heard me Ryan, I mean why do I even need to be there?"

"You need to be there as my girlfriend whenever there's a party or a dinner, that's gonna make them believe our relationship isn't forced or anything like that" I explained and started to pack up things I'll need for the trip.

"We only agreed you'd present me to your family Ryan, not go with you on your freaking trips!" She shrieked.

"The contract says you'd act as my girlfriend...."

She interrupted me in rage "I don't fucking care about that!"

I placed a hand on my waist, getting exhausted by her prickly attitude, but I'm not ready to back out from this now. "You. Are. Going. With. Me" I told her in a very strong tone. 

"And if I don't go?" She asked with daring eyes.

I shrugged "I guess I'll just have to drag your ass there"

"My ass is heavy, you can't drag it" She said.

I stifled a laugh, I had to do that because of her dead serious expression. I know if I don't, she'll kill me mercilessly.

"Then I hire people to drag your ass" I said.

She clicked her tongue "Still won't work"

I sighed and pushed my hair back.

"Even if you call the cops on me, I won't get scared and follow you like a scared cat" she said with a glare.

She doesn't need to tell me that, I know that.

"I might kidnap you" I made an empty threat.

"Still won't work"

"What if I point a loaded gun at you?"

"Still not going with you" she said stubbornly.

"A bribe?"

She scoffed "I'm not so corrupt"

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