26... introduced as a boyfriend...

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I've never felt so uncomfortable in my life before because I've never been introduced as a boyfriend to a whole family so this is new to me.

How do I act?
How do I not fuck things up?
How do I behave like the nice boyfriend I'm not to people who would probably scrutinize the life out of me?

I'm known to be a stoic guy, but deep down some things hit my feelings and I've also realized that the only girl capable of throwing words that would strike me emotionally in either a  positive or negative manner is this fake angelic girl taking slow steps towards me and smiling at me like I'm her one and only handsome celebrity crush.

You see there's one reason I like to be around her no matter how bad her personality is and that reason is her beauty, from her face to her whole curvy body.

Her face is presently makeup free and her outfit was casual --a short denim skirt with a white tiny straps top. She pulled off that sexiness in a simple outfit.

I know she's not a beauty on the inside but when I see an outer one like hers, I can't help but stare, you can't blame me. I'm a man with flesh, blood and of course a dick. 

Her smile brightened up the room and her presence relaxed me a bit as I was beginning to feel sweaty at the way her uncle's been watching me through his glasses like he's waiting for the right opportunity to murder me.

"Hey..." She grinned at me, gently placing a hand at my back and giving me a quick kiss around my jawline to acknowledge me.

God, I almost fell in love with her and wished she would have given me a kiss on the lips instead. My eyes fell to her full mouth which wasn't stretched in a smile anymore. I flicked my gaze up to her blue gray eyes to find them already staring right at me. My eyes involuntarily roamed her body again.

I guess I wasn't too subtle in doing that as I heard a loud cough which was definitely feigned. I tore my face away from Claire and saw that the cough was from one of the twins, or is it triplets now?

There's a quiet girl sitting in between the twins, she's got a striking semblance with them. I know if she was a guy, it would be so hard to tell her apart from the other two.

"Sorry I'm late, guys" Claire apologized taking a seat beside me. Her light strawberry scent mixed with the cherry scent in her apartment hit my nostrils, pleasing me.

"It's okay" The female triplet said with a smile.

"Its not okay, she takes too much time to dress up whenever Ryan is around" The unfriendly twin, what's his name again....err..Harry? He said with his deep emotionless voice. I kinda like the guy.

The girl frowned at him "But she's gotta look good, especially for her boyfriend" She said bluntly.

"Why am I just meeting Bryan now if he's been here before?" Claire's uncle asked no one in particular.

"Ryan sir" I corrected in a mumbled voice and got an intent stare from him, more intense than it was minutes ago. 

"Ryan" He called firmly and started to flick his eyes from Claire to me  "So, why am I just meeting RYAN for the first time?"

He doesn't have to lay emphasis on my name.

Claire shifted uncomfortably in her seat. Ah, she wanted to keep this a secret from her uncle, or so I thought.

"You always stay in your bedroom uncle" She said with a meaningful sad smile. Silence fell in the room, you'd think an Angel passed by.

"I'm meeting Ryan for the first time too" The other girl cried.

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