41...On your thighs?...

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I don't understand what Claire was doing to me. I find myself wanting her around me, wanting to hear her light voice, so I try all ways to get her close to me.

The door opened, she's back. The soft sounds of her footsteps filled my ears, followed by the sound of her body on the bed. Her feminine scent hit my nose, and I turned myself around to look at her.

"Someone's going to bring it in soon" She says gently, resting her back on the headboard. "You look worse than you were minutes ago"

That's because I feel worse, but I know as soon as I get a good sleep, I'll be back to my old healthy self. This sick feeling is not new to me, it happens whenever I'm very stressed.

There was a knock on the door and Claire said a come in. A young lady about Claire's age, dressed as a maid entered the room with a glass of water and a medicine I'm guessing to be paracetamol on a tray.

She took slow ladylike steps towards us and stopped at the foot of the bed. Claire smiled brightly at her. "Hi again, and thanks for bringing it"

The maid smiled politely and passed me a secret lustful stare afterwards, I get that a lot from a lot of girls and I can interpret every single gleam present in the eyes.

Claire is unaware of the maid's pass at me as she hands me two pills and the glass of water on the tray. I hesitated when I wanted to get it from her, She noticed and threw me a concealed meaningful glare.

I swear, she's not human.

After using the pills, she placed back the glass of water on the tray and smiled at the maid who wouldn't move her legs. I could still feel her desirous gaze on me but I ignored her.

Claire placed her soft palm on my forehead as if to check my temperature.

"The meds won't work like magic, Claire" I mumbled.

"True, but I wish it would" Her brows were knitted in a frown.

She moved her focus to the maid, narrowing her eyes at her. "Uhm....are you waiting for something?"

The girl shook her head in embarrassment and left.

"Now, let's sleep" Claire said, making a move to push herself off the headboard but my hands on her thighs halted her action. She blinked at me "Ryan?" Her eyes went down to my hands on her laps and back up to my face.

Before I could stop myself I was already whispering "Sorry"

The word sounded so foreign in my ears. Apologizing to people isn't something I do, I hate it 'cause I feel it makes people see me as a weak man.

I glanced at Claire's thighs and up to her big beautiful eyes, again my mouth started blurting out words it shouldn't "Can I place my head on your thighs?" My voice came out in a whisper.

She blinked her black eyelashes, then her throat moved slightly from the act of swallowing. She's nervous, a good sign that she would say yes to my request.

"How can I say no when you're looking at me like that?"

She says that like I'm being intentional about it. Staring deep and unwaveringly into her dark blue gray eyes comes natural to me, and in the moment of staring, I do feel different within me, like there's a comforting warmth in parts of my body.

"I'm gonna place my head on your thighs now, okay?"

She nodded sluggishly.

My hands went to the sides of her thighs, and I sunk my head low on her clothed laps. This is better than any fucking pillow.

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