Chapter 8

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on side the side of yeri, she came in locker area but her legs trembled and she fell hard on ground and burst into tears which she was holding in her eyes, yeji and BTS came to her only to found her crying, they went to her and started consoling her after few mins when yeri was stable yeji stood up angrily she said,"nobody has made my sister this much cry till now! I'm going to talk to y/n about it!" yeri holds yeji's wrist with his weak hands and shook her head while looking to her into her eyes and trying to stop her tears from falling, yeji sighed after seeing her sister state and pleading eyes.

at apartment, y/n came late today, yeri and others were going to have lunch but they saw y/n entering inside, y/n took a glance at yeri, seeing her red nose,cheeks and eyes she wanted to punch herself so much, y/n's hands curled into fists which made her knuckles white, y/n went inside her room without any words, they sat at dining table eating the lunch cooked by seokjin, yoongi said,"don't let your guards down yeri cause its working" namjoon nodded and said,"have you seen y/n's hands which curled in fists to control her anger" seokjin chuckled and said,"yea and her eyes which was always empty showed pain" others were looking at their hyungs/oppas with wide eyes, they sighed and started eating again. they were eating only when y/n walked out of the apartment, it clear that her mood is ruined up.

at evening, after their studies they all sat down to watch k-drama with snacks, it has been half an hour only when y/n walked inside the apartment grabbing everyone's attention, she had bruises on her neck, forehead,on lip corner and her knuckles where bruised too, it felt like y/n has fought with someone to this extent that she didn't cared about her life, she was looking miserable and disappointed, yeri asked worried,"how did you got these bruise?" y/n said in monotone,"4th rule" and left in her room, yeri sighed cause she knows that y/n will ignore her but still she wants to make her confess.

next day,in school, in cafeteria, y/n came in cafeteria before other cause she was bunking she sat at her usual table, then others started enter so slept on the table, soon after 15minutes y/n can hear giggles of other persons so she head up to see whats going on, she found hari standing infront of the entrance and her slaves where hiding near a wall with a rope which goes to a bucket and it was set up on the entrance door to fall on someone, yeri happily talking with BTS and Yeji (yeri was walking a little ahead them and was too engaged in talking that she didn't noticed anything) when yeri entered inside her smile dropped cause she felt a cold water splashed on her from up, she looked at her uniform which was now soak into cold water and she started shivering, yeri looked up to found a bucket planned to make water fall on her, the cafeteria filled with laughter and clicking sounds of camera, Yeri looked at everyone's laughing face feeling embarrassed, yeri looked at y/n for a time, both of them staring into each others eyes, one was trying to find her pain into other and one was trying to find any hatred towards herself, one knew she'll find it soon and other knew that when she'll find it she can't forgive herself for giving other this much pain, y/n broke the eye contact and stood up she went to order herself a drink and went out by passing beside yeri.

yeri was shivering badly so yeji took her to the usual seat of them which was beside y/n's table, yeri was rubbing her hands together for warmth then her eyes went to other table which empty just like the person who sits at that table's eyes but yeri's eyes noticed a hoddie placed on a chair maybe for her only cause y/n never forgets her stuffs, yeri stood up shivering and went to take that hoodie, BTS and Yeji was looking at yeri with confusion but then they saw yeri was holding a hoodie which belongs to y/n, a small smile crept on BTS and Yeri's face but yeji was angry cause after making her sister this much embarrass y/n left hoodie showing her so called sympathy, yeji said in anger,"you won't wear this!" yeri looked at her confused and asked,"why?" yeji replied,"cause that's a sympathy shown towards you, she wants you to feel like she is feeling pity for you"yeri said,"yeji its not like that, y/n saw how much i am shivering that's why she kept it for me! yeji she loved me for years" yeji sighed cause she knows her sister is stubborn.

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