5-Walk Around Mirkwood

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Once you finish your breakfast and get dressed, you exit your room. You see Thranduil just standing there. "I didn't think you were going to literally wait for me." you say. "Well, I couldn't just take off and have you find me. You still don't know your way around the kingdom." he says. "Fair enough." you say. "Better keep up. I can go a little fast." he says. "Oh I know." you chuckle. "And you love it." he says with a smirk.

He starts walking off and you follow him. "There are many dining halls but the one we were at last night, I only allow certain people to use it." he says. "Wow! I feel special." you say. You two keep going and pass a room that is guarded. "This must be your quarters." you say. "You would be correct." he says. "And if I am correct, I am not allowed in." you say. "Maybe or maybe not. It all depends on how I am feeling." he says. That just made you go silent. You kinda hope that someday, you would be allowed in.

About an hour later, you two make it outside. You just got done touring the kingdom. Your last spot was a beautiful garden. "Why is it so empty?" you ask looking around. You thought maybe you'd see a few elves. "This is my personal garden. I only go out here to think." he says. "Think about what?" you ask. "Well..." he starts to say. He looks around and then at you. "I think about a lot of things. It's a bit hard to explain. It also helps me calm down. I have been so lonely since my wife died. Since Legolas lost his mother." he says.

"That must be tough. How long has it been?" you ask. You knew everything that happened in other kingdoms because of your father but this was one thing you didn't ever want to remember. Death always made you sad and to think about it, made it worse. "I really don't like talking about it." he says looking down. You put your hand on his thigh and say, "that's alright. I am so sorry that I brought it up." "That is not your fault, love." he says.

Suddenly, a guard comes towards Thranduil. "Orcs in the forest, Sir." he says. "Inform the others. Have them meet me in Northern Halls." Thranduil says. The guard runs off and you look at Thranduil. "You are to go straight back to your room." he demands. "I will not. I want to fight." you say. "Don't make me lock you up in your room." he says in an angry tone. "Please. My father taught me how to fight. I am an elf for crying out loud." you say. "No! Now back to your room." he says with a glare. "Pathetic." you spat.

He slapped you and grabbed you by the wrist. "You will obey. I don't want to see you getting hurt. Or worse, killed." he says. He starts to drag you back to your room. Once you arrive, he throws you in, closes the door and locks it. "I will be back for you. I promise." he says through the door. You were pissed. 

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