10-The Announcement

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It has been a few days since Thranduil proposed. You two have been planning a party to announce the engagement. You still had one more tent to set up. You never understood Thranduil and his obsession with tents. "Don't you think we have enough tents?" you ask. "Oh don't be absurd. One could never have too many tents." Thranduil says. "This is a lot of tents for one party." you giggle.

Once you get the tent set up, you head to the King's Quarters. Thranduil had you move your stuff in his room the day after he proposed. Once you get there, there was already a nice long red gown on the bed. Once you have gotten down to just your panties, you look at the mirror. You look down at your scar from when that Orc almost caused you your life.

Don't be so ashamed of it, my love." Thranduil says walking in. "Don't be ashamed?!?! I could've died if you didn't come to save me, again." you say. "But I did. Just look at it as you are a survivor. That is one of the many things that I love about you. Now get dressed. I will be waiting for you." he says, giving you a kiss on your shoulder. He then walks out and you look at your scar one more time. He was right. This scar means you are a survivor.

Once you were completely ready, you were escorted by one of the guards. He led you to the center of the kingdom. There you saw Thranduil. He was as handsome as ever. He had a crown on but this time, it was the one made of wood. "Don't you look absolutely stunning this evening, my queen." he says. "Why thank you but I'm not your queen." "Not yet." he says. He then looked at his guard and gave him a nod. He took out a horn and blew into it making a very loud noise. "If I may have your attention please. Your King has an announcement to make." he says. He then looks at Thranduil as if he just said, "your turn."

"Over a century ago, we have lost our beloved Queen Elerrian. As you all know, I have been miserable and cold hearted towards everyone. That was all up until I found her. If you don't recognize her, this is Princess Y/N, daughter to Lord Elrond. I fell in love with her and I decided that I was going to make her your queen. My love, I would like you to step forward." Thranduil says. You walk over to him and everyone cheers for you. He takes you by the hands and kisses you in front of everyone. Everyone starts to get louder with their cheers.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2023 ⏰

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