6-Obey The King

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You were bound and determined to find a way out of that room. You wanted to prove that you could fight. Even if that meant getting killed. Lucky for you, you remembered how to pick a lock. You grabbed one of your pins from your hair and started picking the lock.

Once you were able to escape, you looked around to make sure the coast was clear. You darted down to the Northern Halls. You hid yourself in the crowd. You did NOT want to find out what would happen if Thranduil caught you. Or did you. Nope scratch that. Thranduil must've been done with his little speech because he started walking off and everyone started to follow behind him.

You decided to get away from the crowd and hid in a tree. You suddenly saw an Orc coming right at you. Luckily you had already grabbed a dagger. You waited until it got closer. "Yum. I smell an elf. Come out of hiding." he says. "As you wish." you say. With that, you jump from the branch that you were standing on and slash the Orc with your dagger.

You start to walk off when you are suddenly hanging in the air. You have been caught in a net. "Look. I've caught myself an elf. And a beautiful one of that." he says. He cuts the rope that is attached to the net causing you to fall. "It's a royal. The tastiest of them all." the other Orc says. "Let me go." you spat. "And a funny royal." the first Orc says.

They drag you along until they get to a cave. "She's going to make such a delicious meal." one of them says. They let you out of the net but chain you up. "Pig." you say with a glare. "Oh quiet." the Orc says as he puts a cloth around your mouth. At this moment, you really hoped that someone would rescue you. You also hoped that that someone was not going to be Thranduil.

You start to struggle as the Orcs start a fire. "Don't struggle too much." the Orc says. He then walks off to check on something. His mistake. You then hear a thud and you see his head rolling. You look up to see who was there to save your life. "I told you to stay in your room." Thranduil growls. "I am capable of fighting." you spat. "Clearly not." he says, taking the chains off you. You stand up and start to walk off. You didn't, however, get very far. "If you think you are not going to get punished for your actions, you would be highly mistaken." he says picking you up. He throws you over his shoulder and walks off.

"I am not a sack of potatoes you can just toss around." you say. "I never said you were, my dear, but this is what happens when you do not listen." he says. Your room was close to his quarters and he went right passed it. He opens the door to his room and slams it shut. He walks right up to the bed and throws you. He takes a piece of cloth and ties it around your wrists. He then ties another one around the bedpost. "This is to make sure you behave, little one." he growls.

He tears off yours and his clothes. He climbs on top of you and without warning, he pushes himself inside you. You let out a loud moan as he grabs your legs. He puts them on his shoulders and goes deeper. You wanted to reach out for his back and leave scratches but you couldn't.

You begged for a kiss but he wasn't going to give it to you. "No! You misbehaved." he says. He continues to thrust faster and deeper. "Thranduil." you moan. He liked his name being moaned. He gave you a smirk. He then pulled out and untied you from the bedpost. It was only long enough to flip you over then he tied you back up.

He smacked your ass, leaving a handprint, before entering you again. This time it was a lot rougher. "Fuck." you moan. You started to tear up but they were good tears. You loved how rough he was being. Maybe you should misbehave more often. A few more thrusts, you were ready to cum and you could tell that he was too. He didn't warn you this time. You didn't warn him. You both cum and he pulls out.

He unties you and you collapse on the bed. He climbs on the bed and lays down beside you. He pulls you in close and turns you to face him. "Will you obey me next time?" he asks. "Yes, sir." you say. "Good girl." he says before kissing you. 

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